写一篇英语短文题目《my spare time》(我的业余时间) 至少八十个单词 我的业余时间很多英文


“我花了很多业余时间和大量的努力自学额外的课程.” 英文我这样写对吗? It took me much spare time and a great deal of efforts to study extra courses.I spent much spare time and a great deal of efforts in studying extra courses.在我课余时间 用英语怎么说 In my spare time英文发音:[?n ma? spe?(r)ta?m]中文释义:在我课余时间例句:I like reading,and do some collections in my spare time.我喜欢读书,并做一些收藏在我的业余时间。词汇解析:spare time英文发音:[spe?(r)ta?m]中文释义:课余时间;业余时间例句:He now works in industry and writes on science in his spare time.他现在在企业工作,业余时间写点科学文章。扩展资料spare time的近义词:1、extracurricular time英文发音:[?ekstr?k?'r?kj?l?(r)ta?m]中文释义:课余时间例句:Most universities tennis extracurricular time open,charging a fraction.大部分e5a48de588b67a686964616f31333431356135高校网球场地课外时间开放,收费的占小部分。2、off hours英文发音:[?f ?a??z]中文释义:下班时间;业余时间例句:I use off hours,for instance net of nooning time,late before last.我利用业余时间,比如中午休息时间、晚上上网。英语翻译 上了大学以后我的课余时间就很多,怎么来安排就成了一个很难的问题.我每天除了上网看电影,就是和同学们一起打篮球,这样就可以很快的交到很多的朋友,可以使自己的生活更有意义.不置于每天就是睡觉.When I came into un.英语翻译 Your spare time is very rich,I feel you every day of the busy ah。I recently bought some pretty busy,busy with a new house decoration Ha haI am very interested in the West to you but you gave me an impression that there is nothing too much East-West differences.Nearly the same,right?英语翻译 During the time i study at Vietnam,i used my free time traveled to many place,such as Sa Pa,Mue Ni and Nha Trang(三个地名 您在看看 不确定是不是这么拼)etc.I not only visit the beautiful landscape,.


