“你长这么漂亮干嘛”用英语怎么翻译 Does it make sense that you have so beautiful a face?你长了这么一张漂亮的脸蛋有什么意义啊?
你长得真漂亮英语怎么说 you are so beutiful
英语翻译 美式口语的表达法:Is she pretty?What do you think?Tell me the truth,please.没错的,我听老外这么讲过:)
“你长这么漂亮干嘛”用英语怎么翻译 Does it make sense that you have so beautiful a face?你长了这么一张漂亮的脸蛋有什么意义啊?
你长得真漂亮英语怎么说 you are so beutiful
英语翻译 美式口语的表达法:Is she pretty?What do you think?Tell me the truth,please.没错的,我听老外这么讲过:)