英语翻译 Honey,I am coming.I don't know what to start because I have too much to say.I was in deep depress when I knew you.You were optimistic and unexpectedly sensible,which gave me hope from sorrows.I am not good at speaking,but I want to tell you that it is so good to have you beside me.No matter what happens in the future,I wish you are happy and joyful forever.你可以不来了.用英语怎么说? you might notcom here.英语翻译 我不知道为什么我会变的现在这样 I don't know how I become like this,特别是自从来了这里以后especially after coming here.我也不知道为什么人会这样那样 I don't understand why human beings behave like this,.电话用语英语我能知道他为什么不来了吗 在电话里面你可以问对方:Could you tell me why he is not coming?大概猜测情景时这个人应该出席(到你那)但是没去,你打电话询问他的朋友/家人。\ 你来不来?你到底来不来?.etc. 你来不来?Are you coming?你到底来不来?Are you coming or not?这么简单的口语别想得太复杂了。英语翻译 Look。There are two cats on the tree。Poor guys,they cannot get down.Let's help them.How?What can we do for them?We can use something to beat them.No,it could hurt。Don't worry,I won't hurt them.Ah,I missed.I want to climb the tree to catch them down.Watch out。You might fall down the tree.I have an idea.We can put some food under the tree.But they are might not hungry.I can ask them down by calling:Little baby,little baby.No way,they are climbing higher.What do the F-F men can do?They can put a blanket,but they might not jump down.They can use a ladder,but ladder might not be long enough.英语口语问题 it is easier said than done是说的简单 做的难.这个就没有理由了 因为这是英语习语,已经固定了.我以为你今天不来了,I didn't think you would come.要注意否定提前.我刚刚吃完饭 I just ate a meal.用英语翻译 你既然来了,为什么不亲自去向专家请教呢? Since you come here,why not to consult experts personally?
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