脑瘤每次头痛持续时间是多长 甲醛的物理性质和化学性质


甲醛的物理性质和化学性质 答:物理性质:甲醛(formaldehyde)是无色、具有强烈气味的刺激气体,略重于空气,易溶于水,其35%~40%的水溶液通称福尔马林.甲醛是一种挥发性有机化合物,是室内环境的主要污染物之一,污染源多,污染浓度也较高.甲醛是一种原浆毒物,能与蛋白质结合.人吸入高浓度甲醛后,会出现呼吸道严重刺激、水肿、眼睛痛、头痛,也可发生支气管哮喘.皮肤直接接触甲醛,可引起皮炎、色斑、坏死.经常吸入少量的甲醛,能引起慢性中毒,出现粘膜充血、皮肤刺激症、过敏性皮炎、指甲角化和脆弱、甲床指端疼痛等.全身症状有头痛、乏力、胃纳差、心悸、失眠、体重减轻以及植物神经紊乱等.化学性质:甲醛(化学分子式HCHO,分子量:30.03,是一种无色,有强烈刺激性气味的气体.易溶于水、醇醚.甲醛在常温下是气态,通常以水溶液形式出现.其40%的水溶液称为福尔马林,此溶液沸点为19℃.故在室温时极易挥发,随着温度的上升挥发速度加快.甲醛为较高毒性的物质,在我国有毒化学品优先控制名单上甲醛高居第二位.甲醛已经被世界卫生组织确定为致癌和致畸形物质,是公认的变态反应源,也是潜在的强致突变物之一.研究表明:甲醛具有强烈的致癌和促癌作用.大量文献记载,甲醛对人体健康的影响主要表现在嗅觉异常、刺激、。

求这篇文章的译文 Lindabaichixi completely sacrificed her own,Linda is a distinguished teacher,but she felt that if she had time,she would prefer to create great art and poetry.In her 28-year-old that year,she began a serious headache.Her doctors found that she had a huge brain tumor.They told her to survive after surgery only 2%.Therefore,they did not immediately surgery for her first six months say.She knew that her considerable artistic talent.Therefore,in the six months she feverishly painting,fanaticism wrote.In addition to a one,all her poems published in the magazine out.Her paintings have also been on the first-class display in the galleries,in addition to a one outside.At the end of six months,she had surgery.Night before the surgery,she decided to donate all their own.She signed a\"I do\"statement,but if it dies,she donated her body to every part of her than the people who need them.Unfortunately,Linda's surgery took her life.The results,she was sent to the eyes of Maryland Beisesida 。

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