五(2)班同学用自己的零花钱为希望小学买了45本图书,付了120元,找回7.5元.平均每本图书多 经常用自己的零花钱为班级购书英文


英语翻译他用自己的零花钱为我买礼物 He used his own pocket money to buy gifts for me英语翻译 1.世界上很多野生动物的数量越来越少,他们处于危险当中.1.The world the number of many wild animals,less and less of them at risk.2.我过去常常把零用钱用于购买漫画书.2.I used the money used to buy the comic book.3.我希望我可以帮助野生动物.3.I hope I can help the wild animals.4.现在想把钱捐助给WWF.4.Now want to put the money donated to WWF.5.希望跟多的人来支持WWF的工作.5.Hope with people to support the work of WWF.假设你班将举行一次英语班会,主题为“中学生应该如何使用家长给的零花钱”。请你根据提示写一篇发言稿。 One possible version:Dear friends,When we receive pocket money from our parents,how will you do?Now I will give you some advice.You can put the money into the bank,it’s a safe and convenien.用英语写一篇小短文:你经常从你父母那里得到一些零花钱,你将怎么样使用? I often get some pocket money from my parents.First,I'll spend most of the money buying good and educational books,because the books I read,the knowledge I'll gain.Besides,a small part of the money will be spent on food.Tired and hungry,I'd like to buy some snacks on my way home after school.What's It is also a good idea to save some of it.I'll put some money in the bank against a rainy day.With different personal interests,everyone will spend the money in a different way.However,it's very important for us to make good use of it,because it is patrly influencing the way we are growing up.用自己的零花钱在书店为班级买书。用英语怎么说 I spent my pocket money buying books for my class in the bookstore.“我们可以用我们的零花钱为他们买这些东西”用英文怎么说 We can use our pocket money to buy him these. 新闻 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 英文 问问 更多? 我要提问 。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号假设你班将举行一次英语班会,主题是“中学生应该如何使用家长给的零花钱”。请你根据提示写一篇发言稿。 One possible version:Dear friends,How should we deal with the pocket money given to us by our parents or we earn from our work?Of course we can use it as we like,but I think there are three way.

