“他经常在这里等他的母亲。让我们和他谈谈”用英语怎么写 He often waits his mother here.Let's talk with him.He often waits for his mother here.Let's have a word with him.He is always waiting for his mother here.let us。
“我妈妈经常等我睡了以后他才睡,在这期间,她看韩剧”英语怎么说? My mother often wait for me to sleep after he didn't sleep,during this period,she watching Korean dramas 额,应该是这样吧。
他经常在这里等他的母亲的英语 翻译结果应该是:He 翻译结果应该是:He always wait here for his mother。望采纳!网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 医疗 科学 汉语 。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号