暮色之城上 暮光之城4里Irina.是谁?(就是她在里面是干嘛的?在之前暮色系列都好像没见过她)


暮光之城4里Irina.是谁?(就是她在里面是干嘛的?在之前暮色系列都好像没见过她) 她是另一个家族的 他说那些是担心变形族和始祖对他们产生伤害 建议你去看暮光之城的书

暮光之城的英语观后感 Twlight\"is talked about a romantic between a human and a vampire.Human girl Bella fall in love with a vampire named Edward who is both handsame and wise.Althought the love is not allowed and there are lots of troubles that Bella would face,they still love each other.such love touch me deeply.In the story,there is another boy who plays an improtant role in Bella's life,that is Jacob,who is also a human.In fact,he is a wolfman who is transfered after Edward left the town.Jacob is Bella's best friend and it is him who infered Bella about Edward's real identity.The relationship is complex for it concerned about two differnent group.However,it is full of love and choice.It is a perfect movie which can teach me something about couragment and love.

山雨欲来风满楼的上一句 出自《咸阳城东楼》“溪云初起日沉阁,山雨欲来风满楼.”原诗《咸阳城东楼》唐·许浑 一上高楼万里愁 蒹葭杨柳似汀洲 溪云初起日沉阁 山雨欲来风满楼 鸟下绿芜秦苑夕 蝉鸣黄叶汉宫秋 行人莫问当年事 故国东来渭水流话说诗人正在凭栏送目,远想概然,那一轮平西的红日,已然渐薄西山,也不知过了多久,忽见一片云生,暮色顿至,不一时,已经隐隐挨近西边的寺阁了;云生日落,片刻之间,“天地异色”,那境界已然变了,谁知紧接着一阵凉风吹来城上,顿时吹得那城楼越发空空落落,萧然凛然.诗人凭着“生活经验”,知道这风是雨的先导,风已飒然,雨势迫在眉睫了.景色迁动,心情变改,捕捉在“溪云初起日沉阁,山雨欲来风满楼”之中,使后人都如身在楼城之上,风雨之间,不愧为不朽名句.


