英语作文:你想审请去美国的交换生,将要写一封审请函。其中主要介绍自己 写一封信给外国交换生


我是一名交换生,要写给美国家庭一封信进行自我介绍,求助。。。 我去年是一名交换生的,以我和美国人相处的经验,要是你真心想被美国人选中,还是自己用心去写的好,自我介绍以美国人的看法来看,就是应该是自己写的,所以你找别人写,写。

用英语写一封申请信去美国做交换生介绍自己的基本情况 DearI am very happy to receive your email.Welcome to our school.It's in the about five kilometers in the eat of the center city.It has a long history.The evironment is very beatiful.(There are lots of flowers and trees here.And there is also a swiiming pool.)There is a departmen for change students.There are ten courses,such as Chinese,maths,and son on.Students have classes from Monday to Friday.(或:52614102 There are five-day classes every week.).There are richful activities.I think you will be pleased with our school.Yours1653×

美国交换生来我校学习,写一封邮件告诉他需要准备什么的英语作文 Dear Rose:I'm Jenny.I am in a new school now.It is very big and nice.My new classmates are like helping people,they usually help me about my chinese.my teacher is Miss Li,she is a nice woman and she is very interesting,we like her very much.Now I can speak a lot of chinese.There is a rever behind our school,we often go swimming in it after school.I am good at and Maths,but I don't do well in PE.I can swim fast,but can't run fast and jump high.So I should do exercise.Happy every day。Your good friendJennythe ninth of January


