2.我的家乡坐落在长江边上,是一个鱼米之乡,人们丰衣足食,开心生活. 我也是荆州的,见到老乡帮个忙啦,就随便写了一篇,马马虎虎,凑合用吧My hometownMy hometown,Jingzhou,is a culture city with a history of 2000 years.It is aglittering pearl which locates along the Yangtze River.This is a good district with abundant fish and rice.people here are well-fed and well-clothed,they live a substantial life.There are many snacks there,such as hot pot,barbecue and hot spicy dip.People in my hometown are enthusiastic and friendly,you will have a wonderful time if you take a trip there.My hometown is the most lovely place in my heart.赞美家乡的作文 改革意味着飞跃,开放预示着富强,沐浴着改革的春风,只不过短短的几年时光,人们的生活水平得到了翻天覆地的变化.我的家乡也奇迹般地改变着.昔日,我的家乡只不过是一个小村庄.道路全部是泥路,坑坑洼洼的,残留在我脑海里.我的家乡荆州英文演讲稿怎么写 先写问候,然后是介绍家乡的特点 注意详略得当 然后是邀请大家来家乡做客给外国朋友介绍我家乡的特产苹果英语作文 Dear friend,I'm glad to introduce my hometown to you.I live in acity named(写你2113家乡的5261名字4102啦。1653),which is located by the Yangtze River.Thescenery here is fasinating,and the history is very long.There is quitea few historical spots in my home town,and some of them are nationallyfamous.Great changes have taken place in my home town resent years.Factories,housing estates,roads,schools and hospitals have beenbuilt,which make the city living-friendly.Though the citydevelops rapidly,air pollution also exsit.To make things worse,manyhistorical spots have been destroyed because of man-made reasons.Eachcoin has two sides.So I think development is important,but at the sametime,we should also try our best to protect our enviornment.We shouldfind a green way to continue our development.Welcome to visit myhometown for sight-seeing。Yours,.Tim写一篇向外国友人介绍家乡的英语作文, Dear friend,I'm glad to introduce my hometown to you.I live in a city named(写你家乡的名字啦。which is located by the Yangtze River.The scenery here is fasinating,and the history is very long.There is quite a few historical spots in my home town,and some of them are nationally famous.Great changes have taken place in my home town resent years.Factories,housing estates,roads,schools and hospitals have been built,which make the city living-friendly.Though the city develops rapidly,air pollution also exsit.To make things worse,many historical spots have been destroyed because of man-made reasons.Each coin has two sides.So I think development is important,but at the same time,we should also try our best to protect our enviornment.We should find a green way to continue our development.Welcome to visit my hometown for sight-seeing。Yours,.Timtravel in my hometown英语作文.大概80字吧。稍微口语化点 JingZhou is full of mystery and surprises.Most people have never heard of such a city,and that’s not surprising,because if you were to find it on a map,it’s in the middle of nowhere.It’s a quiet town much different from the noisy urbanities.The ancient walls and palaces,surrounded by deep green,offer a good escape from the busy live-styles of the metropolis.It is also easy to get around;the city offers extensive public transit and very few cars on the street,much less than in other cities.Tourists can find themselves truly immersed in the pristine atmosphere unique to JingZhou.纯原创,望采纳.我的家乡在荆州 作文 我的家乡在荆州,荆州是个好地方,我热爱我的家乡。它是一座古老的历史文化名城,三国演义的故事里的刘备借荆州,指的就是这里呢,所以在这座城市里有很多的名胜古迹。有历史悠久的古城墙;有八岭山的辽王墓;有香火旺盛的玄妙观和章华寺;有流传着一个刚烈的故事的铁女寺等等,现在八岭山的辽王墓和古城墙还申请了世界文化遗产,荆州做为一个古城将被全世界的人知道。今天这座古城已焕发出新的光彩,它有优美的城市建筑、宽阔整洁的街道。在市中心有一个宽广的沙隆达广场,是全省的十大著名广场之一,它是人们休闲、娱乐的好地方。每到傍晚,三三两两的人纷纷来到这里,有的在跳健身舞;有的在散步;有的坐在休闲椅上谈天说地,享受浪漫的好时光。从广场穿过北京路,就可以看到中山公园,它是孩子们的乐园,那里好玩的东西一年比一年多,孩子们的快乐也一年比一年多。荆州还有很多著名的土特产,比如荆沙鱼糕、九黄饼、荆江牌水瓶、鸳鸯牌床单,活力二八洗衣粉等等,你一定听说过吧?小朋友们,你们喜欢我的家乡吗?欢迎你们来荆州玩,我会做你们的小导游,相信你们一定也会爱上我的家乡,爱上这个古老而精彩的城市。潜江,位于湖北省中部江汉平原,是中国现代作家曹禺的故乡,你会怎么写潜江呢?下面是小编为你整理了“我的家乡潜江作文”,希望能帮助到您。我的家乡潜江作文(1)“你是。
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