冬季该如何维护除尘系统? 气动圆顶阀的工作原理


电除尘器安全运行怎么规范? 电除尘器的投运和停止1、电除尘器投运前的准备:1)、联系单元长给高、低控制柜,程控柜送电,投高压隔离开关至电场位置2)、锅炉点火前8小时,接单元长令,将甲、乙低压。

麻烦大家给我介绍一个电磁阀 我看您需要的不是电磁阀吧,应该是闸板阀或是目前比较流行的圆顶阀吧,如果是DN400的闸板阀可是挺贵的哦,圆顶阀就更贵了,不过效果比闸板阀好!

寻求高手翻译 1.Blanking dome valve seal damage.Judge reason:pressure,the valve seal materials dome showed 5.4 bar pressure around the exhaust valve sealed dome showed 5.8 bar pressure about(the solenoid valve is not for the other movements of the time),other valve moves Instantly,the sealing pressure is less than 4.7 bar.Dome directly to the exhaust valve seal,the pressure to achieve their enclosed gas source instrument control pressure value.2.Ball valve pneumatic cylinder and the exhaust valve linkages short,it is used surfacing grow by 1 cm,but there is not flexible Valve moves phenomenon.3.Blanking dome valve damage,seal completely damaged,not exhaust pipe bag valve normal zoom,procedures in the event of\"Alarm fault,\"can not be stopped.4.Gas distributor road can not be normal movement,which opened a distributor,through customs gas source.5.Now sealed pressure can only reach 1.73 bar,transportation pressure in the 0.64 bar below,the production staff,as far as we should,this 。


