英语作文 不快乐的一天 英语作文 不要高兴太早


英语作文.令人高兴的事60字数 I’m a girl at the age of.and in grade eight.As our grade eight students have to attend the secondary school entrance exam a year later,we have to go to school to take part in the self-study at night.Considering the distance of my home to school,my father decided to teach me ride bikes.我是一个.的六年级女孩.因为我们八年级的学生要参加一年之后的中考,所以我们要去学校参加晚自习.考虑到我家到学校的距离,我爸爸决定教我骑自行车.It was a Saturday morning.My father told the key point to ride a bike at first.It was be brave and look forward instead of looking the wheels.My father held me and the bike firmly and then I ride it.Though I was afraid,I feel safe with my father around me.A few hours later,I can ride it without my father’s help.I was so happy,but my father was covered with sweat.I never fell off the bike with his protection.Watching my sweating father,I can feel his love for me.那是一个星期六的早晨.我爸爸首先先跟我讲解了骑自行车的要点.那就是勇敢,向前看,而不是看着车轮.我父爸爸把我和。

与一篇令人开心或伤心的英语作文不少于50个单词 One thing makes me happyToday is my birthday,my father bought a big cake,in the evening the whole family to celebrate my birthday,my auntto buy two computer Tactic bear is a woman is a man,my mother bought a doll for me,my father gave me a small bag,the color is pink the picture of the little rabbit's super cute,my brother came and said to me:\"sister,I wish you Happy birthday\".I listened to the heart very touched my brother's words,let me feel the warmth of his brother,because that is the younger brother to speak for the first time,so let me feel the warmth.This birthday let me a lifetime to forget.令我高兴的一件事今天,是我的生日爸爸买来一个很大的蛋糕,到了晚上全家人为我庆祝生日,舅妈去电脑上买来两个泰迪熊一个是女的一个是男的,妈妈买来一个洋娃娃给我,爸爸送了我一个小包包,那颜色是粉色的上面的图案是小兔子的超可爱,弟弟来了对我说:“姐姐祝你生日快乐”.我听了弟弟的话心里非常感动,让我感受到弟弟的温暖,因为那是弟弟第一次开口说话,所以让我感受到了温暖.这次的生日让我一辈子忘不掉.

求一篇英语作文:我自认为最高兴的一件事 The most unforgettable memory in my lifeMany unforgettable memories come to my mind when I read the topic,and I remember many people who are far away from me now.The moment I remind them,I become excited and sweet,as most of them have left me a beautiful and romantic memory,among which,I cherish one unforgettable thing most.I learn a lot from it.It happened in early summer when I was in middle school between my best friend Lily and me.We attended a hiking activity held by school.We were all tired after getting to the destination,so we had a good rest and enjoyed the beautiful scene there.However,as the group didn’t inform us to leave together,we were left behind.We looked for our way back together,but we were lost in the great mountain with the cold lake under the mountain.I was very scared,but Lily said to me firmly,“Jane,we are always together no matter what difficulties we met。So don’t be afraid。she held me so tightly that I had courage.Finally,the rescuers found us.We 。

#英语作文 不要高兴太早

