等有需要的话再考虑吧英语 瑜伽英语,需要的话可以多给分


中文名字应该怎么翻译为英文名比较合适? 我的中文名字叫「代川徽」,英文中姓氏:Tai,希望大家给点意见,很多香港人的中文名和英文名都很对称。

请英语达人翻译这篇短篇恐怖故事,尽量考虑英语表达方式,谢谢,好的话再加50分 One evening,the sky was darkening under the black thunderheads that swirled ominously across the lesser darkness of the evening sky,there was a boy who wanted to take a bus for going home.As it was quite late when he reached the bus stop,he wasn’t sure if there’s still any bus servicing the route…He had no choice but to wait for the last bus because his house was far and remote and he wouldn’t want to walk home.He waited and waited,when he was about to give up,he saw a bus appeared at the distance….The bus stopped for him and he happily stepped onto it.Once he was in the bus,a strange and eerie feeling overwhelmed him.With no air-conditioning,the bus seemed very cold and it was almost fully loaded which was unusual for a long-distance bus at this hour.All the seats were occupied except one and there was a spooky silence in the bus because nobody was talking.Despite feeling weird,he still chose to settle down on the only vacant seat which was next to a female passenger。.

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