倒一杯水给他.用英语怎么说 我喝过一杯水了英语


英文翻译我给了他一玻璃杯杯水她饥渴的大喝了起来 你可能打错一个代词,大概不是给“他”水而“她”喝吧。I poured her a cup of water and she was swigging it with thirsty.

英语翻译 Miss a person's taste is like drinking a glass of cold water,then drop by drop cemented tears.Like a person is not wrong,it would be wrong in like a dislike themselves.I won all but lost you.Can not refuse to start,unable to resist an end.Wait.may not be easy;hurt.but easy.The rain poured off the air,tired of the sad,my memory of the fairy tale has been slowly melting.If only life,such as strike through,when people say that unusual.This summer did not give me surprise.There are some things turned around on a lifetime.Initially did not know the final phase is not identified.Her heart had a season of transformation,and you still standing by her promised the day.I was crossing the road,where you were.Has completed the same street back to two worlds.When you want some happiness,happiness,sadness to some degree.You are my guess's overwhelmed,I am you can not think of the innocuous.The last time to fall asleep with a smile What is time?When the tears stream down,before we know。

英语翻译 I will treat you to drink 可以啊也可以说成I'll treat you to have a drink.I will buy you a drink也可以译成我请你喝饮料啊.不能去掉a,buy sb.a drink是固定搭配


