赞比亚说美式英语还是英式英语 法语,英语不过不是美式。
为什么赞比亚的英文名字和僵尸的一样 有一种可能是,那个构成中文名字的词本身就是一个单词。比如红花->;Flower等;还有一种可能就是,此名字所有固定的(约定成俗)的翻译方法。比如约翰->;John
英语翻译 Angola is located in the west coast of Africa,east of Zambia,the south by Namibia,bounded Atlantic,the North with the Zaire border.Altitude 1000-2000 meters,the average temperature of 24 degree Celsius.National area of 1.2467 million square kilometers and a population of over 1,150 million,the land area of about 800 hectares.mow pastures and there are 29 million hectares.Angolan economy mainly on agriculture,Angola vast area and fertile soil,rivers clouds,and The development of agriculture has great potential.