英语翻译 I bought a birthday cake for my mother yesterday.Look。There are two farmers working hard in the garden.My sister got married last Saturday.由于受字数限制,剩下的请以追问的形式
英语翻译请假条“原因是我姐姐结婚” 请假条是:\"The reason I'm asking for a day off is because my sister is getting married.\"(拆孝意:我想请假一天是英文我旅裤稿姐姐要结婚)但是最好说:\"The reason I'm asking for a day off is because I have to attend my sister's wedding.\"(意:我想请假一天是英文我得去参加我姐姐的婚礼纯滑)
英语句子翻译“早上我早早的起床,因为今天我的姐姐结婚,之后我还要和我的好朋友一起去逛街买东西” I I get up early in the morning,because today my sister will get married,then I will go shopping with my good friend