战争对每一个家庭的影响英文 《Chinese cinderella》每一章的主要内容是什么?


幸福的家庭都相似,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸 英语译文 这是2113托尔斯泰的名著中的一句5261话。下面的英语译4102文均可1653参考。Happy families are all alike,every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.Happy families are all alike,unhappy family has his unhappy in its ownAll happy families are alike,however,each unfortunate family has their own misfortuneHappiness are alike in happy family,while different in those unhappy.

关于战争的影响和原因的英语作文九年级上册 War is very terrible.Everybody hears it with fear.In a war thousands and thousands of lives will be lost and a large amount of money(will be)wasted.It brings us untold miseries and damage.To sum up,so long as war is unavoidable,human beings cannot enjoy lasting peace.How tragical their fate is。战争是非常可怕的。每个人2113听到它都害怕。在5261一次战争中,成千4102成万的人丧失了生命,大量金钱浪费了1653。它带给我们无穷尽的痛苦和损失。总而言之,只要战争不可避免,人类不可能享受持久的和平。他们的命运是多么悲惨呀!

英语作文:写一篇100字的英语作文 Dear my friend,War means the fight between countries.I don't think war is really a good way to solve the problem.Well,maybe some war could make our realize to the social world better,but it is still not a good thing.There are many influence to social,like maybe the lack of food.Wars will damage our life.To the oppisite,peace is a better thing.People were all nice to people.I like peace better.If there are wars in our life,maybe many things would be destroy such as buildings and our home,Peace would make our life better.From XXX


