一个购物狂的自白,购物狂们围坐成一个小组,英文叫什么? 电影购物狂的自白英语


有谁看过一部英文电影:《一个购物狂的独白》 看过滴求此影片的简介,大概五六行的样子,要英文的!! Confessions of a Shopaholic(film)Confessions of a Shopaholic is a 2009 American film adaptation of the Shopaholic series of novels by Sophie Kinsella.Directed by P.J.Hogan,the film stars Isla Fisher as the shopaholic journalist and Hugh Dancy as her boss.PlotRebecca Bloomwood(Isla Fisher)is a shopping addict who lives with her best friend Suze(Krysten Ritter).She works as a journalist for a gardening magazine but dreams to join the fashion magazine Alette.On the way to an interview with Alette,she buys a green scarf.Her credit card is declined,so Rebecca goes to a hot dog stand and offers to buy all the hot dogs if the seller gives her back change in cash,saying the scarf is to be a gift for her sick aunt.The hot dog vendor refuses but a man offers her$20.When Rebecca arrives at the interview,she's told that the position has been filled.However,the receptionist tells her there is an open position with the magazine Successful Saving.Rebecca interviews with Luke Brandon(Hugh。

《一个购物狂的自白》的男主角是谁?叫什么名字呀。谢谢?简介 英文全名:Hugh Dancy 中文译名:休·丹西 出生日期:1975年6月19日 出生地点:Stoke-:-购物狂,自白,。

一个购物狂的自白,购物狂们围坐成一个小组,英文叫什么? 电影购物狂的自白英语

一个购物狂的自白,购物狂们围坐成一个小组,英文叫什么? 电影:一个购物狂的自白 Confessions of a Shopaholic购物狂们围坐成一个小组-是表示类似于戒酒、戒毒的那种帮助戒除购物上瘾的组织活动吗?戒酒互助会 AA(Alcoholics Anonymous)戒毒互助会 NA(Narcotics Anonymous)Shopaholics Anonymous

一个购物狂的自白电影中英字幕 你的提问不知道你是只要字幕还是要中英字幕的电影,如果只要字幕的话你追问下,这里给的是电影内嵌双语字幕的~

谁有电影《一个购物狂的自白》的英文剧本台词 Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice.


