预言 的英语怎么说 写六个预言英语怎么说


用英语写出6个预测100年后的预言 mobile phone doesn't need charging.control your car with your voice.study at home.every family has a robot.houses are movable.traveling in space become popular and ordinary

英语翻译 As scientists predicted that global pollution has become one of the most serious problems facing mankind.(global)For these positions are very competitive-this year's applicant(applicant)is five times as last year.As it turns out,education outline should conform to the national economic development plan.(fit into)

预言家的英语是什么 预言家prophet例句与用法:1、以利沙旧约全书中记抄载的一个希伯来预言家,以利亚选为他的知继承人In the Old Testament,a Hebrew prophet who was chosen by Elijah to be his successor.2、那个预言家以他的理论而道出名。That seer is famous for his theory.

预言 的英语怎么说 预言的英文:prediction词汇2113解析prediction英[pr?'d?k?(?)n]美[pr?'d?k??n]n.预报;预言例:He was unwilling to make a prediction for the coming year.他不愿对5261来年作4102出预言。例:Weather prediction has never been a perfect science.天气预报从来都不是一门准确无1653误的科学。扩展资料近义词1、message英['mes?d?]美['m?s?d?]n.消息;差使;启示;预言vt.通知例:I got a message you were trying to reach me.我得到了一条留言,说你在设法联系我。2、forecast英['f??kɑ?st]美['f?rk?st]vt.预报,预测;预示n.预测,预报;预想vi.进行预报,作预测例:That’s what the TV weather forecast says.电视上的天气预报是这样说的。

英语翻译 I did not exist to write poems,to preach or to paint,neither I nor anyone else.All of that was incidental.Each man had only one genuine vocation-to find the way to himself.He might end up as poet or madman,as prophet or criminal-that was not his affair,ultimately it was of no concern.His task was to discover his own destiny-not an arbitrary one-and live it out wholly and resolutely within himself.Everything else was only a would-be existence,an attempt at evasion,a flight back to the ideals of the masses,conformity and fear of one's own inwardness.此为原版


预言 的英语怎么说 写六个预言英语怎么说

神之预言 这个词用英文怎么写? God's prophecy

预言用英语怎么说 prophesy['pr?f?sa?]预言5261;预4102告1653;预言;预报;传教;foretell[f??'tel]预言;预示;预告;预言;预示;预告;predict[pr?'d?kt]预报,预言;预知;作出预言;作预料,作预报;



