气动机 英语 英语翻译


英语翻译 Portable pneumatic ventilator in acute emergency hospital transport of critically ill patients applicationAbstract:Objective To investigate the portable pneumatic emergency ventilator in critically ill patients in acute hospital transfer of application.Methods 285 cases of acute and critically ill patients using a portable pneumatic emergency ventilator for mechanical ventilation,observe the ventilation effect.Results of 280 cases in a stable condition during transport,refers to the oxygen saturation remained at 95 to 100%,no complications;five cases of cardiopulmonary arrest on admission than 30 minutes,died after a positive.Conclusion portable emergency ventilator pneumatic critically ill patients in acute hospital transfer is feasible,it is widely used.Key words:acute and critically ill patients;portable emergency ventilator;hospital transport.

气动工具品牌用英语怎么说 气动工具品牌Pneumatic tool brand

铝钉机、气动机英语怎么翻译 铝钉机Aluminium nail machine气动机不清楚 气动机:各类大号网袋,塑料袋的扎口,用于食品化工,塑料及各类粉状物的连续快速封口铝钉机:超市用,扎口机定关键词,不晓得。

英语翻译 Pneumatic Press:Exigency stop:Adjustable time:Adjustable rapid decline:Adjustable pressure drop:

气动元件用英语怎么说 气动元件[自]pneumatic element;[自]pneumatic component更多释义>;>;[网络短语]气动元件 pneumatic component;SMC;KJC 国际名牌气动元件 International famous brand 。

气动打标机怎么切换中英文 是那个版本的软件,TX6的软件,是在开始程序里面改动

气动心肺复苏机用英语怎么说? 气动心肺复苏机 应该翻译成:pneumatic heart-lung resuscitator也见过这样的翻译 pneumatic cardiopulmonary resuscitator又如:pneumatic high speed grinding bead 气动高速磨头pneumatic last removing machine 气动脱楦机pneumatic liquid level regulator 气动液面调整器pneumatic high-speed seed metering device for precision planting 气动高速精密排种器pneumatic lift 气动升降机pneumatic lifting chair 气动升降椅pneumatic impact wrench 气动扳手pneumatic indicating controller 气动指示调节器pneumatic insole tacking machine 气动式钉鞋内底机

铝钉机、气动机英语怎么翻译 铝钉机:Aluminum nail machine 气动机:Gas motivation

气动模具打磨机用英语怎么说 气动模具打磨机英文:Pneumatic die grinding machine

气动机 英语 英语翻译

液压机和气动压力机的区别 气压机 有噪声,力量小,维护方便不会漏油液压机 安静,力量大,维护稍微复杂些.还是看应用了.钢材车间噪音本来就比较大了,可不考虑噪声因素.如果力量要求比较大,那就液压的如果,力量要求没那么大(50kg以下吧)气压挺好,还便宜.


