请商务英语高手帮我翻译一段话,要精确一点,贡献我的所有积分!万分感谢! 网络营销的主要手段


帮我把下面的翻译成英文,不用文采有多好,只要意思对就行。 Electronic Commerce comes to act as a important tool to the seller,as the network's rapid economic development.Based the fast,convenient,interactive features of-commerce marketing networks,it replace the traditional has become an inevitable trend.If companied want to fierce competition in the market to survive,thay must master modern means of marketing and applications.Network marketing strategy is copnpanies use internet as a instrumentality,make different marketing strategies based on their different situations in order to achieve the purpose of profit.Network marketing is a concept which include a very wide range of content.We will make research on how for a small and medium-sized businesses or enterprises planning to study online marketing strategy.The text include:Web-based marketing;presentation and example of Emarketing strategykey words:scheme,e-marketing,marketing strategy翻好了,虽然不是专家那么精确,但意思绝对没问题.

英语翻译 TenPay as a new means of transaction and credit intermediary to the third party payment,provides a practical platform for mobile payment.The electronic payment in payment also is in the secondary po.

请商务英语高手帮我翻译一段话,要精确一点,贡献我的所有积分!万分感谢! 网络营销的主要手段

英语翻译 As modern consumers have developed and become mature,effectiveness of traditional marketing become and low,but reputation as a low cost,effective marketing is attracting all company's approvement and recognition for its infectivity and influence.Reputaion has become a marketing tool and as one of the most important way to influence consumer's judge and shopping behavior,with rapid development of Internet and E-commerce which make reputaion spread wider,faster and got the appreciation of companies.The paper summerize the meaning of reputation,introduce the meaning and uniqueness of reputation,analyse the advantage and disadvantage of net reputation and point out some problems to apply net reputation and application of strategy.At last,the paper based on Taobao network anylised the practical use of net reputation and I hope this will give you some advices and reference.刚才打的急,请把reputation都改成public praise

市场营销作业? 话说,这是布置作业吗?建议去找下《市场营销实务》,关于你的那个公司企业环境啥的可以去网上搜索下市场调研的相关信息。其实你的这些内容在市场营销专业里的人都有做过的,如果你还是学生的话建议你去找下你们学校.

下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( 14.C【解析】A 项语序不当,应为“制造假民意、左右舆论、误导受众”。B 项句式杂糅,“因…”和“以…为由”选一种。D 项搭配不当,“降低药品的价格”“减少流通环节”。


