去爬山用英语怎么说 她明天打算去爬山用英语


我们打算明天去爬山的英语疑问句 Are you going to climb mountains tomorrow?为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。英语翻译 我们周末去爬山.We are going to climb the mountain this weekend.海伦明天去广州.Helen will go to Guangzhou tomorrow.放心,他会为你买好火车票的.Don't worry.he will buy the train ticket for you.冬天的时候,鸟儿会从北方飞到南方.The birds will fly from north to south in winter.马上就要上课了.Classes will begin in no time.我打算晚饭后去散步,你和我一起去吗?I’m going to take a walk after supper.Would you like to go with me?我想今天下午会下雨.I think it will rain this afternoon.会议很快就要开始了,你什么时候到?The meeting will begin soon.When will you arrive?因为放寒假,图书馆这两周不开了.The library will not be open these two weeks due to the winter vacation.明年的运动会将在北京举行.The sports meeting will be held in Beijing next year.如果太忙,我们就不去旅行了.We will not go traveling if we are too busy.明天下午你去购物吗?Will you go shopping tomorrow afternoon?后天的晚会会很精彩,我希望你们会参加.The party will be wonderful and I hope you can take part in it the day after 。去爬山用英语怎么说 “去爬山”是go to the mountains,不能用单数mountain,在用单数时,要加具体的山名,mountain的复数形式可表示“山脉”或“山区”。例:We'll go to the mountains if it is fine tomorrow.如果明天天晴,我们就去爬山。词汇解析:一、go英[g??]美[go]v.走;达到;运转;趋于n.去;进行;尝试短语:go up 增长;上升go on 继续;过去go well 进展顺利二、mountain英[?ma?nt?n]美[?ma?ntn]n.山;山脉短语:mountain area 山区high mountain 高山mountain range 山脉扩展资料词义辨析:mountain,hill,mount这组词都含有“山”的意思。其区别是:1、mountain是普通用词,通常指较陡峭的高山;hill指较低矮的小山或丘陵。例如:The mountains were hidden in mist.群山笼罩在雾中。The house stands on a hill.这幢房子坐落在小山上。2、用于专有名词时,Hill和Mountain都位于山名之后,而Mount位于山名之前。例如:His death was weightier than Mount Tai.他的死重于泰山。The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of America.落基山脉位于美国西部。英语翻译 One afternoon,A happened to meet B in the campus.Tomorrow is Saturday,what are you going to do?Go climbing,I like climbing very much,because it can exercise one's body as well as will.Ah。Climbing?great,my older brother and I both like climbing very much.Shall we go with youReally?Sure you can go with me,it will be interesting with people.Brother,this is my good friend A,A,this is my brother C.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.Brother,A is fond of climbing too,let's go climbing together tomorrow.OK,I'm free tomorrow,so let's go together.Oh,great,see you tomorrow.See you tomorrow.我们打算明天去爬山的英语疑问句 Are you going to climb the mountain tomorrow?希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可继续追问去爬山用英语怎么说 分为两种情况如果你要是去爬山 I go hiking.在这种情况的爬山,你是用徒步走到山头,所以要用hiking.如果你去攀岩 I go rock climbing 在这种情况的爬山,你是用手臂攀登,所以要用climbing.


