我不想让你受伤 英文


“我不想受伤”用英文怎么说 i don't want to be hurt不想让你受伤用英语怎么说? I don't want you to get hurt.我不想让你受伤..英文怎么说啊?谢谢大家.. I don't want you to get/be hurt.英语翻译 I am that injured Chinese girl.I would like to express my gratitude for your help.It was simply incredible.Only after the accident did I realize how lucky I was with all the loving cares from my family and friends.Thank you for your accurate diagnoisis.Your kindness helped me and my family through the difficult time.I hope I can find enough words to tell you how gratiful I am.By the way,could you tell me what is the best way to exercise my feet?因为你是我弟弟所以我不想让你受伤,英语翻译 I hope you are fine since you are my little brother.如果你不想受伤,就小心点 英语翻译 If you don't want to get hurt,then you'd better be careful.这是语气和知善的忠告。You'd better watch out if you don't want to get hurt.如果态道度比较强内硬,语气也比较凶容的。不想让你受伤用英语怎么说? 我不想让你受伤的英语怎么说? I do not want to let you injured我不想让你受伤相关例句:1.I don't want to lay a burden on you.我不想让你承担责任。2.I don't want you to lose by me.我不想让你因为我而吃亏。3.I do not want to put you to the expense of buy me dinner.我不想让你破费请我吃饭。4.I don't want you to go;furthermore,I forbid it.我不想让你去,而且我也禁止你去。5.I will not have you speaking with that woman.我不想让你同那个女人说话。不想让你受伤用英语怎么说? I don't want you to get hurt.因为你是我弟弟所以我不想让你受伤,英语翻译 I hope you are fine since you are my little brother.

