请问文缩写 顺便提一下我是你的头号粉丝的英文


英语翻译 1.Every year around the Mid-autumn Day,the tide of the Qianjiang River reaches its highest,which can be as high as several meters and very spectacular。2.The bridge and the lake are so crowded with people that it's even hard to walk across,which affect the emotion of our seeing the view or less.3.By the way,an elevator has been installed in the Leifeng Tower after the rennovation which I find quite funny.4.Later we went to Jiaxing,a beautiful water town,in the South Of the YangziRiver with full of transquility,peace and history英语翻译今天是星期五,很高兴站在这里为大家演讲.我们都知道,冬天来了,天气也越来越冷了,大家要多穿点衣服,不要感冒了.顺便提一下,上学不要迟到了.我的演讲完了.(我英语成绩烂得一塌糊涂 — —) 顺便提一下你的爱好是什么?(英语翻译) By the way,what's your hobby?英语翻译 单词看懂了,还不够,还要懂短语,词组的意思.比如make 大家都知道做的意思,it是它的意思,make it 却不是做它的意思,而是成功的意思.语法也是重要的,如果你对整个句子结构、成分把握好了,翻译就会好点.一个句子先抓主干,主语谓语宾语各是什么,大概就掌握了句子表达的意思,然后再将细节增添上去,句子就丰润了,就跟先长骨头后长肉一样.至于这个句子你看不懂是因为你不重语法的缘故.the+形容词的比较级.the+形容词的比较级 这个句式表示的是“越.就越.”is 前面少了it吧?it is suggest that.句式,意识是“建议”.整句话意思:你的招聘流程设定得越好,遵守起来就越简单.建议你采用多级面试的流程,通过这个流程求职者和多个面试官会面,面试官会给出不同评价,并对最终录用决定给出意见.求关于讨论大学生活的英语情景对话,两个人,差不多1~2分钟,顺便提一下本人刚大一 A:Hello,B.It has been two months since we started our colledge life.What do you think of it?B:Well,to tell you the truth,I'm not getting used to it.A:What's the problem?Is your major very difficult?B:Yes,I think my major is difficult than I have expected.After the happy summer holiday I can't keep pace with my study again.And the dormitory is too small for me to study.A:Don't worry.My domitory is bigger than yours.You can come to my dorm to study.My major is similar to yours.We can study the same subjects together,for example,linear algebra and calculas.B:That sounds great.You have a better maths knowledge than I do.If you don't mind me bothering you,can I come to your domitory and ask you questions?A:No,go ahead.I will help you as much as I can.by the way缩写btw 还是bty by the way缩写是btw。缩写指把词组的首字母缩略出来的一种简便写法,by the way 三个词的首字母是 b、t、w,所以缩写是 btw。by the way:(英[bai e? wei]美[ba? ei we])顺便地,附带说说;顺便一提例句:1、By the way,I'm your number-one fan.顺便说一句,我是你的头号粉丝。2、By the way,I definitely intend to hold you to your promise of adinner。顺便一提,我的确打算要提醒你遵守请我吃顿饭的诺言。扩展资料:1、BTW:By the way 的缩写。在日常的短信及聊天时使用。以解决话题转换时给人带来唐突感觉的问题。相当于常说的“对了.”。也有“顺便说一下”的意思。用在文章或者段落的结尾处,表示提醒。2、BTW,还指BACK TO WALL,是指马桶背部完全靠墙安装。3、BTW,也是Lady Gaga2011年5月的新专辑《Born This Way》的缩写。4、BTW,一般指“broken thing water”,常用在贴吧回复中,意指“破事水”。

