“ 在···之前”用英语怎么说? 在我来这之前英语怎么说


在我开始我的演讲之前 用英语怎么说 惜字如金:before my speech,.

在我发言之前,用英语怎么写 在我发言之前Before I speak英[spi:k]美[spik]vt.&vi.讲,谈;演说;从某种观点来说;

在……之前用英语怎么说 beforeprep.1.在.以前Only two days remained before the examination.考前只剩下两天了。2.(指顺序、重要性等)在.之前,先于Your name comes before mine.你的名字在我之前。Pride comes before a fall.骄必败。3.由.考虑中We will put the matter before the committee.我将把此事提交委员会考虑。4.在.前面;在.面前She said she had never spoken before an audience.她说她从未在大庭广众讲演过。ad.1.较早Come at two o'clock,not before.两点钟来,不必再早了。2.以前;曾经He was never late before.过去他从不迟到。Have you two met before?你们两人以前见e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e58685e5aeb931333332643265过面吗?3.在前;向前Several soldiers went before to scout.数名士兵在前面探路。conj.1.在.以前Check it carefully before you hand it in.交来之前仔细核对一下。2.与其.宁可I'd die before I'd tell.我宁死也决不会说出来。3.否则,要不然Get out before I call the police.

“在此之前”用英语怎么说? 那你直接说:Before this就可以了.

“在你出现之前,我还是我” 用英语怎么说 Before you appeared,I am who I was.

“ 在···之前”用英语怎么说? 在我来这之前英语怎么说

英语翻译 I have been doing sth for(多长时间).I have been doing sth since(多长时间)ago.I have been reading this book since one year ago/for one year.

英语翻译 This is the one I gave you before.

“ 在···之前”用英语怎么说? beforebefore[英][bi?f?:][美][b??f?r,-?for]prep.在…之前;先于,优于;当着…的面;与其…conj.在…之前;在…以前;比…早些;与其…adv.先前,从前;在前,在前方

在我来XX单位之前 用英语怎么说 before I came to XX unit


