英语作文 你爷爷是做什么工作的英文作文


描述爷爷奶奶以前的生活用英语作文40个字 《爷爷奶奶小时候》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。Grandma and grandpa\",welcome everyone to contribute. 以前奶奶常常给我讲她们小时候的故事,告诉我要珍惜现在的好时光,可是我。

跪求一篇英语作文,初一水平,写我的家庭,爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶,写他们的职业 年龄 爱好,写中文.100个单词 My family has 5 people:father,mother,grandparents,and I.My father works as an engineer in a company.My mother is a primary school math teacher.My grandmother used to be a good student in college.And after she graduated,she became an account.My grandfather used to be a worker in wood factory.He always worked a lot with those woods.Mother is 35 years old.My father is 5 years older than her.Grandparents are both 60 years old.We just celebrated their 60th birthday for them.To talk about their hobby.Mother likes dancing.Father loves singing.Grandparents prefer Chinese writing.And I love chess.我家有五口人:爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶和我.爸爸是一家公司的工程师.妈妈在一所小学教数学.奶奶读大学的时候是一名优秀学生,后来做了会计.爷爷在木材厂工作,是一个成天与树木打交道的人.妈妈三十五岁,爸爸比妈妈大五岁.爷爷奶奶六十岁,我们刚为他们庆祝完六十大寿.关于他们的爱好.妈妈喜欢跳舞,爸爸喜欢唱歌.爷爷奶奶都喜欢书法.而我,喜欢下棋.

我的家人的英语作文 There're 3 peole in my family,my father my mother and me.my father is a drive,he work very hard,my mother work in a sweet house,i'm a junior(high school)student.i love my home。My brotherMy brother very kind to chirdren.He very nice.He like eat bread and he like drink a lot.He is tall,He like play basketball,he like Yaoming very much.He is good at playing basketball and some other ballgames.he is very cool I think.

英语作文 你爷爷是做什么工作的英文作文

英语作文:请编写一段短文,介绍你的爷爷(年龄外貌职业工作地点上班用的交通工具爱好周末常常做什么活动和这个周末的打算)题目:My grandfather 简便点六年级那种条件。

我的爷爷他很关心我,我与他之间也发生了许多的事,在英语中也有关于写我的爷爷的作文题材,下面是小编整理的我的爷爷英语作文,希望对你有帮助!我的爷爷英语作文篇一:I 。

写一篇关于怎样帮助老人60词的英语作文 My neighbor is a lonely elderly我的邻居是一个孤寡老人In life,I have tried to give my best to help him在生活上,我都尽量给予他我力所能及的帮助For example,the laundry,sweeping,cooking,etc.比如,洗衣,扫地,做饭等In fact,the most elderly of a fifty years old事实上,最为一个年过半百的老人best hope is that other people care最希望的是得到别人的关心So,I hope that not noly care in their daily lives所以,我希望不仅仅是关注与他们的生活方面,but also emotionally,we can care what they want在感情上,也能得到别人的关怀.Therefore,to regularly communicate with old people is the most important因此,要经常与老人沟通是最重要的.To do listening and speaking,要做到多听,多说,For the elderly to he most comprehensive care给予老人最全面的关爱.打了好久,可能有个别的那个语序不当,我也是先写一个文章,再自己翻译的

写五句话英语作文比如:你早晨正在做什么? 妈妈 爸爸 爷爷 奶奶等等. At 7:30am,I was getting up.After having breakfast,I was going jogging at 8:00am with my dad.We felt so comfortable and relaxed after doing some exercises and we were having lunch at about 12:00.Then,I had to finished my homework in no time so that I could go shopping with me mom.About 2 hours later,my mom was taking me and going the shopping mall nearby.It was late when we were buying so much things we need.I still interested in doing so much things which was good.一字一句打上去滴~希望楼主能够采纳~


