

我在节食英文怎么说,我在节食的英文例句 我在节食_百度翻译抄我在节食[网络]M On A Diet;I am on a diet;[例句袭]我差不多了,我在节食。I couldn't eat any more.I'm on diet.进行更多zd翻译我正在节食减肥用英语怎么说 i'm on a diet now.我爸爸正在变胖,因此他已经决定节食的英文 My father was fat,so he has decided to go on a diet.这就是.节食的英文怎么写 英文是:on a diet。解释:on a diet 英[?n ? ?dai?t]美[ɑn e ?da??t][词典]节食;[例句]Have you been on a diet?You've lost a lot of weight你最近在节食吗百?你瘦了好多。He has been on a diet for as long as any of his friends can remember在朋友的记忆中,他一度直都在节食。I'm forever on a diet,since I put on weight easily我永远都在减肥,因为回我很容易长胖。He lived on a diet of water and tinned fish他仅靠喝水、吃鱼罐头过活。'He'll have to go on a diet,' Ballard quipped“他得减肥啦,”答巴拉德俏皮地说。【TSD,M】英语翻译 You are too fat.You should go on a diet.He didn't come home until 10 o'clock last night.节食的坏处英语作文! 过度节食会导致营养不良的,因为生命的维持必须要有足够的营养供给,否则就会导致很多疾病的发生如果长期处于节食状态,尤其是不计后果的,这样横容易导致营养不良,贫血,身体免疫力低下,各种维生素,微量元素缺乏性的疾病等等,因此,节食一定要适度,Excessive dieting will lead to malnutrition,for the maintain of life must have enough nutrition supply,otherwise it will lead to many diseasesIf our diet for a long time,especially reckless,transverse such easy to cause the malnutrition,anemia,low immunity,all kinds of vitamin,microelement lack of disease and so on,therefore,a diet must be moderate,短不短?她觉得自己太胖了,于是决定节食.翻译成英语 she find herself so fat that she decide to keep a diet.一些胖人试图通过节食减轻体重用英语怎么说 英语翻译 比较恰当的翻译是:You are just putting on a little weight,you'll get that off easily.Combining exercise with the diet may be the most effective way to lose weight.她觉得自己太胖了,于是决定节食.翻译成英语 she find herself so fat that she decide to keep a diet.


