他三过家门而不入英语翻译 大禹治水三过家门而不入,那他儿子是怎么来的?


大禹三过家门而不入,为什么一定要翻译成三次,不翻译为多次? 如果将这句话翻译为大禹多次经过家门却一直没有进去,不是更突显大禹的精神么?还是有历史依据可以证明大…

《过家门而不入》的翻译 是三过其门而不入吧禹,稷处于政治清明的时代,三次经过自己家门都不进去,孔子称赞他们.颜子处于政治昏乱的时代,住在狭窄的巷子里,一筐饭,一瓢水,别人都受不了那种苦生活,他却自得其乐,孔子也称赞他.孟子说:\"禹,稷和颜回〔处世的态度虽有所不同,〕道理却一样.禹以为天下的人有遭淹没的,好像自己使他淹没了一样;稷以为天下的人有挨饿的,好像自己使他挨饿一样,所以他们拯救百姓才这样急迫.禹,稷和颜子如果互相交换地位,颜子也会三过家门不进去,禹,稷也会自得其乐.假定有同屋的人互相斗殴,我去救他纵是披着头发顶着帽子,连帽带子也不结去救他都可以.〔禹,稷的行为正好比这样.〕如果本地方的邻人在斗殴,也披着头发不结好帽带子去救,那就是糊涂了,纵使把门关着都可以了.〔颜回的行为正好比这样.〕

《凿壁借光》和《三过家门而不入》能详细些吗? 景公好妇人而丈夫饰者,国人尽服之,公使吏禁之曰:“女子而男子饰者,裂其衣,断其带.”裂衣断带相望而不止.见,公曰:“寡人使吏禁女子而男子饰者,裂其衣,断其带,相望而不止者,何也?对曰:“君使服之于内而禁之于外,.

英语翻译 YU THE GREAT SUBDUES THE FLOODIt is not clearly known how many years passed after Nuwa had patched up the sky with melted coloured stones(Cf.Nuwa Bu Tian)when trouble broke out again.Gonggong,God of Water and Thunder,defeated in a power struggle against Zhuanxu,knocked himself against the Buzhou mountain in a burst of anger.The pillars on that Mountain which supported the vault of heaven broke again.As a result,heaven tilted to the northwest and the sun,the moon and the stars were set in motion;the earth sank in the southwest,causing a great flood.Once great misery befell the people.A superman by the name of Gun,in commiseration with the sufferings of the people,tried to contain the flood.He stole God's\"inexhaustible earth\"with which to block the water and dam it up.Not only did he fail,but for his offence,he was executed by God's order.After his death,Yu,our hero,was born out of his abdomen.When Yu grew up,he carried on his father's unfulfilled task,fighting against the Great 。

他三过家门而不入英语翻译 大禹治水三过家门而不入,那他儿子是怎么来的?


