英语翻译 风扇在我们上面用英语怎么说


风扇的英语单词怎么写? 翻译如下:风扇electric fan;fan;blower;ventilator都可以。例句;He cools himself in front of an electric fan.他在电扇前让自己凉快些。

英语翻译 风扇在我们上面用英语怎么说

( 去掉上面的电风扇。)内容:我的名字叫崔茁,今年11,在农科院小学上学.我喜欢弹琴,喜欢蓝色和金黄色,喜欢小狗.我有许多好朋友.谢谢大家聆听我的演讲! Hello everyone。My name is Cui Zhuo,and I'm eleven.I'm now studying in Primary School of Agricultural Science College(如果校名不用翻译的话就用Nongkeyuan Primary School).My hobby is playing piano,and my favourite colours are blue and golden.I love little dogs.I have a lot of friends.Thank you for listening to my speech.

英语翻译 The primary cause:during the manufacturing of electric wires,the surface of the wires have to be cooled and the moisture on them be dried by air blowers(similar to fans).During the process,the wires will be swinging due to the blowing air,occassionally making contact with the blower resulting in scratches on the wire surface.Improvement Method:Suitably adjust the distance between the wires and the blower;at the same tme,adjust the angle of the blower nozzle to the wires and maintain it at about 90°,so that scratches are avoided.

电风扇用英语怎么说。 多乐学英语

电风扇用英语怎么说 电风扇翻译成英文是electric fan.electric的英2113式读法是[?'lektr?k];美5261式读法是[?'lektr?k]。单词1640年左右进入英语4102,直接源自近代1653拉丁语的electricus;最初源自拉丁语的electrum,意为琥珀。作形容词意思有电的;电动的;带电的;刺激的。作名词意思是电动产品。fan的英式读法是[f?n];美式读法是[f?n]。单词直接源自古英语的fann,意为扬谷物的东西;最初源自拉丁语的vannus,意为风。作名词意思有风扇;扇子;扇形物;迷;狂热爱好者。作及物动词意思有扇;展开扇形;煽动。作不及物动词意思有成扇形;[棒]三振出局。相关例句:1、Turn the electric fan on and make a draft.打开电扇通一下风。2、The blade of the electric fan is covered with dust.电扇的叶片上全是灰尘。扩展资料:一、electric的单词用法adj.(形容词)1、electric的基本意思是“电动的”“电的”,指以电作动力、由电产生、产生电的、使用电的或用于导电的,作此解时,只用作定语。2、electric引申可表示“使人震惊的”“突然兴奋的”,指像电击似的那样使人高度刺激的,作此解时,可用作定语或表语。3、electric无比较级和最高级。二、fan的单词用法n.(名词)fan。

我们教室没有风扇用英语怎么说. 我们教室没有风扇用英语怎么说 我们教室没有风扇 There is no fan in our classroom.我们教室没有风扇 There is no fan in our classroom.

\ enjoy the electric fan.


电风扇挂在天花板上,用英语怎么说? Electric fan hung from the ceiling,

电风扇的英语是什么 electric fan


