

英语翻译 1.We must keep quiet in the reading room.2.He drives his daughter to school every day.3.We have decided that the Games postponed to next Friday.4.Internet is very important in our life.

帮忙写篇关于以下要求的英语作文“假如你是学校阅览室管理员,根据提示用英语写一段八十词左右的话介绍。 the Reading Room RulesWelcome to the reading room.In order to make a good atmosphere,everyone should follow the rues.1,Always keep quiet,and don't talk loudly.2,Snacks are not allowed here.3,Please do.

英语作文:关于学校阅览室的一些规矩.条件1:图书只供本校师生阅读,2:在阅览室保持安静 3:图书借3周必还 这个我们昨天才写过的我给你发了 Our school library has a lot of rules.For example,the books in the library can lend the school teachers and students.All the people in the reading room must keep qui.

根据汉语意思完成英语句子.(每空词数不限) 1.在阅览室里请保持安静.Please be quiet—in the reading room 2.我平日必须帮助妈妈做家务.I have to help my mother do housework-every day 3.我今天必须完成地理作业。



不要自言自语了,阅览室里要保持安静 英语翻译

在阅览室保持安静用英文怎么说 Don't take in library

英语翻译 你好,标准可翻译为:1.It will make the milk go bad in such hot weather.2.Be quiet in the reading room,please.3.Little Ming seemed ill,his voice sounds so bad.4.Our mother is strict with us and it is beneficial to us.5.Why little Ming felt lonely was because of her quietness and shyness,and she didn`t any friends.6.I`m so worried about the maths test tomorrow.Take it easy,you will do well.7.What is going on on earth?8.You can go(to)find your teacher for conversations when you are in bad mood.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作。


