他已经住在上海五年了英文 英语翻译


英语翻译 1.I have known him for five years.2.We have learnt for two years.3.He hasn't reached home yet.4.My uncle has worked in this factory since 1995.5.Lucy has gone to Shanghai.6.My mother has never been to Beijing.7.Have you ever seen this movie?8.I have had this bicycle for two months.9.Have they eaten(or had)this kind of noodle?10.He hasn't invited his friends to his home.

他已经住在上海五年了英文 英语翻译

十年后她住在上海和五年后我将是电影明星用英语怎么说 1.过去式:Ten years later she lived in Shanghai.将来式:She will live in Shanghai in ten years.(in在将来时中表示“在…之后”)2.In five years I'll be a movie 。

他家是上海的.英语怎么说? 他家是上海的.He is from Shanghai.他住在上海已经15年了He has been living in Shanghai for fifteen years.

英语翻译 Is it five years that he has lived in shanghai?I ask him what is it on earth that he wants to here from me.

