英语作文 .让我的校园生活更美好 I think school life should be colorful.There should be activities,such as,singing and dancing concert,going out to hike,visit the museums,sports meeting and so on.The activities can broaden the students mind and open their eyes.Students shouldn't study in the classroom or at home.So colorful activities can make my school life better because I like doing all kinds of activities.They can make me happy and relaxed.我们的校园生活作文 一大早,在凉风的陪2113伴下,随着陆陆续续的5261人群来到教师,放下书包4102,打开书本,开始了一天的校园1653生活。早读课上,大家齐刷刷地朗读课文,伴着小鸟的叫声,格外动听,整齐。虽然有个别同学还没有朗读,但在课代表的管理下,所有的同学都大声地朗读。成了清晨校园里的不可缺少的一段声音。同学们最喜欢上的课就是体育课了。在体育课上,可以自由地奔跑,享受阳光的照耀,跑得大汗淋漓。上午第四节课下课,大家肚子都在大家咯!同学们兴奋地跑出教室去拿饭盒,个个都笑嘻嘻的,你争我时还忘不了开玩笑,但同学们的友谊却仍是坚固的,有的同学甚至一次拿四盒饭,饭盒快遮住鼻子了。大家高高兴兴地分享午餐,一块儿聊天说笑,教师里一下子就热闹了!吃饱了饭,又该开始一下午的紧张学习了,在知识的海洋中遨游,在良好的氛围中学习,个个都是精神抖擞的,谁也不落谁。辛苦了一下午,当那悦耳的下课铃声一响,同学们就立即从严肃的状态变得活泼,边说话边整理书包。擦窗的人擦窗,扫地的扫地,倒垃圾的倒垃圾,值日组的同学们忙了起来,以便让大家有个更好的学习环境。说完了“拜拜”就该回家了,同学们三三两两地结伴而行,讨论着自己的事。接着每天都发生。有关于校园生活的英语作文,要英汉互译,快 I love my school life.At school,I get up at 6:00 o'clock.then I go to play sports with my classmates in the playground.At about 7:00,we have breakfast.The first class begins at 8:00.I have four classes in the morning and 3 classes in the afternoon.My favorte subject is I want to travel around the world,so I have to learn well.I can dance and sing,so I love music class too.After school in the afternoon,I often go to the music club.我爱我的学校生活。在学校,我在6点钟起床。然后我去玩运动,和同学在操场。大约在7点,我们吃早餐。第一次课8点开始。我上午有四节课,下午上3节课。我最喜欢的科目是英语,我想环游世界,所以我必须学好英语。我会跳舞和唱歌,所以我非32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333264663634常爱音乐类。下午放学后,我经常去音乐俱乐部。校园生活的英语作文 最近,你班同学就“男女生之间是否存在真正的友谊”这一话题展开讨论。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给报社写一封信,并简单地发表自己的看法60%的同学认为 40%的同学认为1.男女同学之间存在真正的友谊。2.追求(seek)友谊是人的天性(human nature)。3.互相帮助,互相学习,共同提高。1.男女生之间不存在真正的友谊。2.容易造成早恋(fall in love at an early age)现象。3.影响(affect)学习成绩。One possible version:I am writing to tell you about the discussions we’ve had about whether real friendship exists between boy students and girl students.Opinions are divided on thequestion.60%of the students are for the idea that real friendship exists between them.They believe that it is human nature to seek friendship.It helps them learn from each other and improve themselves together.On the other hand,40%think that there is not real friendship between boys and girls.Because it can easily lead to falling in love at an early age and thus affects their study.In my opinion,boys and girls can develop 。英语作文:校园生活丰富多彩,每天我们都参加各种活动,增长知识的同时还可以锻炼身体.请以“My My school LifeMy school life is interesting.Let me tell you something about it.In the morning,we have five classes,for example,math.Math is my favourite subject.Although it's very difficult,I love it very much。After the class,we always play games on the playground.We usually play outdoor activities,such as basketball,football and volleyball.I like basketball best。I play it in the school team.In the evening,we sometimes go on a movie or listen to a concert.Because,it can make me enjoy myself.THis is my shool life,I love it。急求一篇\ Being in the college should be regarded as the best time of the life for the young people.The campus life should be treasured since it is enjoyed mostly by the young.Everybody understands that where there are young people,there are pleasure and enjoyment.Therefore,we should fully use the time in college,making our life much colourful.First of all,due to the lack of connection with the society,we'd better have some activities to get into touch with the different social circles,trying to learn about the society which we are living in.Secondly,we should organize some activities,caring about ourselves,especially in psychology,trying to make ourselves suitable to the future.Of course,some parties,Evenings and so on are welcome by the college students who are eager to know each other.英语作文,介绍你的校园生活,带汉语翻译 My Life On Campus正文With the time going by,I'm be happier and happier on my school'life.Well,now let me introduce my life on campus.I have 30 lessons every week.such as math,biology.Chinese is my favorite lesson,because I enjoy beautiful article and myChinese teacher is very interesting kind and funny.I respect her very much.Last but not the least,my classmates are friendly,this is the main reason why I love my school'life.In a word,my life on campus is very colorful and interesting.题目:我的校园生活正文:随着时光的流逝,我在学校的生活变得越来越幸福快乐。那么,现在就让我来介绍一下我的校园生活,我一周共有30节课,例如数学,英语,生物等等,我最喜欢的科目是语文,因为我喜欢优美的文章,而且我的语文老师也很棒,她和蔼风趣又幽默,所以我很尊敬她,不止这些,我的同学也都非常友好,这是我喜欢学校生活的最主要原因。总之,我的校园生活多姿多彩,充满乐趣校园生活的作文用英语怎么写 An essay about campus life望采纳~我们经常谈论我们的校园生活 英语翻译 We often talk about our school life.教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答
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