怎样回答外国交换生的问题比较合适?Why do you want to come to Gemany Europe?What is your favourite musicstyle and song?What do you want to see her


怎样回答外国交换生的问题比较合适?Why do you want to come to Gemany/ Europe?What is your favourite musicstyle and song?What do you want to see here in Hessen?What do you want to do on one day with me and my family?Wha

怎样回答外国交换生的问题比较合适?Why do you want to come to Gemany\/ Europe?What is your favourite musicstyle and song?What do you want to see here in Hessen?What do you want to do on one day with me and my family?Wha 外国交换生英文怎么说

来自英国的交换生。用英语怎么说 The exchange students from Britain 满意请采纳哦,亲,祝学习进步

“交换生”用英语怎么说 英语习惯的2113问题,当一个动宾5261/系表短语用来做另一个词的定语时4102,通常倒装,如:1653exchange students 交换生(虽然这里exchange是名词,但是和students有动宾关系)student exchange programs学生交换计划look good 看起来很帅a good-looking man 一个好看的男人take pains to do sth.努力做某事a painstaking person 一个刻苦的人

“交换生”用英语怎么说 英语习惯的问题,当一个动宾/系表短语用来做另一个词的定语时,通常倒装,如:exchange students 交换生(虽然这里exchange是名词,但是和students有动宾关系)student exchange programs学生交换计划look good 看起来很帅a good-looking man 一个好看的男人take pains to do sth.努力做某事a painstaking person 一个刻苦的人


