电子货币对基础货币的影响 支付宝企业账户电话


电子货币对基础货币的影响 Influence of electronic money on monetary base electronic money as a new form of currency,it not only changed people's life habit and terms of payment,but also to the traditional financial theory has brought hitherto unknown challenge,especially increase the central bank monetary policy formulation and implementation difficulty.Electronic money to create a new,virtual currency,it makes economic settlement activities to be realized in the virtual space,virtual economy play growing role in real economy life,and create a new situation of social activities.Electronic currency weakened controllability of monetary base of the central bank,and enhance the endogenesis of money multiplier,which increases the difficulty of the central bank to control the money supply.So a correct understanding of the influence of electronic money on monetary multiplier,an accurate grasp of electronic currency in China under the condition of monetary multiplier rule,flexible use of monetary policy of the central 。

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电子货币对基础货币的影响 支付宝企业账户电话

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