《欠了你的爱》中的嘻哈歌词 you see the world is out therewaiting for me htat'swhy l wanna be as freeas can be knowthan you've beengood and you've beensweet so don't put upa fight just let it be welli hope one day whilei'm missing you and sowill you be thinkingof me then love is stillthere for you and me欠了你的爱 歌词 急需!!! Rap:You see the world is out there waiting for methat's why I wanna be as free as can be。I know that you've been good andyou've been sweet,so don't put up a fight,just let it be。well,I hope one day,Whild I'm missing you.And so will you bethinking of me。Then we can be together,to laugh about the pass,but the love isstill there for you and me.我的爱欠你一些是什么歌 歌手:李艺[ti:再见我的爱][ar:李艺][by:习]再见我的爱 词曲:李艺编曲:彭耀辉 演唱:李艺 我走了是不想欠你太多 因为你为我付出了太多 看你流泪的眼睛 已经把一切说的很明 。欠了你的爱(极爱自己国语) sweetso don't put up a fight just let it be well i hope one day while i'm missing you andso will you be thinking of me then love is still there for you and me《欠了你的爱》陈冠希,谁能下到MP3格式的? 刚上传到了mofile可以下的哦http://pickup.mofile.com/4537446285735055我可以哦,要不再给你俩方法方法一:用KUGO下载方法二:留下你的邮箱,我发给你,呵呵http://www.twomice.net/data/bc2624f94/2f/195.mp3复制到迅雷下载2007-11-05 17:00:22 开始连接.2007-11-05 17:00:22 开始搜索候选资源.2007-11-05 17:00:23 搜索到3个候选资源2007-11-05 17:00:23 使用候选资源进行连接.2007-11-05 17:00:26 原始资源连接成功,得到的文件长度:8432007-11-05 17:00:26 原始资源得到的文件长度太小,抛弃2007-11-05 17:00:28 搜索到2个候选资源2007-11-05 17:00:28 使用候选资源进行连接.2007-11-05 17:01:03 开始创建文件.2007-11-05 17:01:03 文件创建成功,开始下载数据.陈冠希 欠了你的爱 英文rap You see the world is out there waiting for me that's why I wanna be as free as can beI know that you've been good and you've been sweetso don't put up a fight just let it bewell I hope one day while I'm missing youand so will you be thinking of methen we can be together to laugh about the pastbut the love is still there for you and me外面的世界正在等着我去,所以我想尽量地自由。我知道你一直很乖很甜,所以不要争执让它顺其自然。我希望有一天我想你的时候你也会想我。然后我们可以在一起,一起笑谈过去。然而爱对于我们,依然在那里.欠了你的爱MV的女主角叫什么啊?那个女主角叫什么啊?如果你说的陈冠希的歌。《极爱自己》国语版的话。那个女的是Amanda Strang~欠了你的爱(极爱自己国语) 歌曲:欠了你的爱歌手:陈冠希 专辑:edison chen ep陪你渡过最温暖的中午陪你看过最好看的屏幕跳动的心前所没有的舒服怎么能够要求爱情的魔术相亲相爱不是互相征服让脸庞维持愉快的温度不见一面难道就会孤独那么苦的爱难道是为了哭i love you i love you我都不是太清楚谈谈情说说爱还是宁愿跳跳舞i owe you iowe you抱歉让你不满足我欠你的爱我欠了你最危险的礼物我欠了你一份礼物我欠了你最安全的包袱you see the world is out therewaiting for me htat'swhy l wanna be as freeas can be knowthan you've beengood and you've beensweet so don't put upa fight just let it be welli hope one day whilei'm missing you and sowill you be thinkingof me then love is stillthere for you and me
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