青岛有很多景点英语怎么说 关于青岛的、、最好是写青岛的旅游景点


关于青岛的、、最好是写青岛的旅游景点 The City of Qingdao The city of Qingdao lies in the east of Shandong Province.It is famous for its blue sea and beautiful beaches.Qingdao is a wonderful place for summer holidays.Tens of thousands of.

青岛有很多景点英语怎么说 关于青岛的、、最好是写青岛的旅游景点

找一篇介绍青岛景点的英语作文 青岛市一个很美丽的城市,它景色优美,环境舒适,作为青岛人,我们为自己的城市所自豪。青岛的交通比较拥挤,但是很方便,公交汽车直达岛城各地。青岛有许多名胜古迹,旅游胜地,比如:中山公园,五四广场,栈桥…青岛的美食也很出名,有许多美味的小吃,啤酒和海鲜最为著名。这是我的家乡,我的天堂!e68a84e8a2ad3231313335323631343130323136353331333239306638我爱她,青岛!Very beautiful one Qing Dao City city,its scenery are graceful,the environment is comfortable,person,we is proud by self city as Qingdao.The Qingdao traffic is crowded comparatively,but goes to the lavatory very much,the public transit automobile reaches island city everywhere directly.There is a lot of places of historic interest,tourist attraction,Bi Ru in Qingdao:Zhong Shan City park,May 4th public square,landing stage,.The Qingdao fine food is also very famous,snack having a lot of delicious food,beer and seafood are most famous.This be my hometown,my Heaven。I love her,Qingdao。

中文翻译成英文,高手进。追加分~ 我的家乡在青岛.青岛位于山东半岛南端,人口270.00多万人口,是全国70个大城市之一.My hometown-Qingdao,which is located in southern Shandong Peninsula with the population of two hundred and seventy million population,is one of seventy big cities in China.我出生在那里,青岛是一个漂亮的城市,有许多著名景点.其中栈桥公园是青岛最好的观景点之一,那里景色很美,并且建筑结构令人叹为观止.I was born in this beautiful city-Qingdao,where there are a bunch of famous attractions.One of the best is Zhanqiao Park in Qingdao having beautiful scenery and remarkable architecture.青岛水族馆始建于1932年,是亚洲最早的水族馆,占地面积4000多平方米,在那里你还可以喂海洋动物.Qingdao aquarium,founded in 1932,was one of the first aquariums in Asian,covering 4,000 square meters.There you can feed sea animals.


有关青岛旅游景点的英文介绍~~ 急啊急。。 1、薛家岛旅游度假区薛家岛旅游度假区是32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333433623061山东省人民政府1995年11月批准设立的省级旅游度假区,位于青岛市经济技术开发区内。度假区规划面积9.8平方千米,呈东北西南走向的狭长半岛,海岸线长54千米,东北部为山地,中部为平原,西南部为丘陵,象一只展翅欲飞的凤凰,横卧在黄海之滨。薛家岛旅游度假区还是山东省十二个省级旅游度假区之一。“黄庵日出”、“朝海古刹”、“上泉晓钟”、“渔嘴雪浪”、“石雀海鸣”、“凤凰戏珠”、“志门夕照”、“凤凰山色”等八大景观为薛家岛增添了诱人的魅力。Xuejiadao tourist resort is a provincial tourist resort approved by the people's Government of Shandong Province in November 1995.It is located in Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone.With a planning area of 9.8 square kilometers,the resort is a long and narrow peninsula with a coastline of 54 kilometers.The northeast is a mountainous area,the central part is a plain,and the southwest part is a hilly area.Like a phoenix flying,it lies on the shore of 。

青岛旅游景点的英文名 Zhanqiao Pier 栈桥Little Qingdao Isle 小青岛Xiaoyushan Park 小鱼山来公园May 4th Square 五四广场Music Square 音乐自广场Seashore Sidewalk 滨海步行bai道Catholic Church 天主教堂Naval Museum 海军du博物馆National Shilaoren Tourist Resort石老人国家旅游度假zhi区Laoshan Scenic Area 崂山风景名胜区daoZhongshan Park 中山公园Qingdao Zoo 青岛动物园Zhanshan Temple 湛山寺No.1 Bathing Beach 第一海水浴场Huiquan Square 汇泉广场Huilan Pavilion 回澜阁Donghai Sculpture Road 东海路雕塑街Qingdao Municipal Museum 青岛市博物馆Former Residence of Kang Youwei 康有为故居


青岛著名景点用英语怎么说 famous landscapes in Qingdao


