超时空英语 谁能告诉我“超时空转换机”有英语怎么说


谁能告诉我“超时空转换机”有英语怎么说 应该是 Super(Ultral也可以)Dimensional Time Machine.时空转换机就是时间机器。

超时空军团兵的英语怎样说 Macross Army soldiers~

超时空英文怎么说 Macross

超时空英语 谁能告诉我“超时空转换机”有英语怎么说

红警里超时空传送仪的英文单词是EA原创的吗 那个好像是chronosphere和surpass space-time delivering an instrument 西木英文即为west wood,你进入红警2读取画面就有west 。

求红色警戒2中超时空传送仪的完全英文。 Chronosphere(Warning,Chronosphere activated。

求一个超时空线索的英文简介。。记住是英文的,, \"The Macross clues\"Description:Each person actually has a kind of difficult to explain and elusive\"into acquaintance\"feel like,you encounter a stranger in your mind memories,it seems early to know this person,or found awareness a place you've never been.But if this feeling is the warning came in the past or to the future clues?In the thrilling suspense large the\"Macross clues\"is like to acquaintances feeling guided agents,played by Oscar-winner Denzel Washington has launched an investigation of one case.a new attempt to subvert the past through time and space sci-fi movie.中文是《超时空线索》内容简介:每个人其实都有那种难以解释和捉摸的“似成相识”的感受,你碰到某个陌生人在你脑海记忆力却好像早就认识这个人,或者发现认识某个你从没去过的地方。但如果这种感受是过去传来的警告亦或者是通向未来的线索呢?在惊险悬疑大片《超时空线索》就是这种似成相识的感觉指引着奥斯卡影帝丹泽尔华盛顿饰演的特工展开了一宗案件的调查…一部颠覆以往穿越时空科幻类电影的全新尝试…望采纳

谁能告诉我“超时空转换机”有英语怎么说 excess spacetime Conversion 这才是正确的说法。超时空转换机 Virtual Machine Conversion Virtual Machine Conversion

英语翻译可以单独翻译 超时空 这是公司的名字,请以国际名称翻译标准。。。。。。。。.ultra space 不要这个。..
