“一个标准大气压”的英文缩写是1pat吗? 大气压的英文


2道英语和物理题~英语的:Jane and Bob ______ well before they got married.A.had knew B.have knew下面的现象中,与大气压无关的是( )A.用茶杯喝水 B.钢笔吸墨水 C.用吸管吸软饮料 D.医院里打吊针(静脉输液)(可惜答案是B 我搞不懂啊搞不懂。.)

英语翻译 1The container of pressure is zero point zero several atmospheric pressure.2The heat water(specific heat)three times bigger than air.3We must find out(find out)to lift this heavy(weight)how much force.4At normal temperature,some water changes into steam,a phenomenon known as the evaporation(vaporization).(and ask to use a simple sentences).5With the computer's operations accurate,fast,so get a wide range of applications.(require a simple sentences)6 Now we began to discuss the LAN.7,the circuit is the advantages of simple structure,easy to adjust.8,before the cultural revolution,the number of the students in our school is only 1/3 of now.9,the computer the stored information is three times as much as that one.(and ask to use S-V-O sentence patterns and as-as structure)10,a piece of 15 meters grow thick planks in 8 meters apart two bearing.(with rear attribute to come said the underlined part)剩下的你自己想吧·

“一个标准大气压”的英文缩写是1pat吗? 大气压的英文

6-8 个大气压 用英语怎么说啊?

大气压的单位帕斯卡用英文是怎么写的 Pascal 帕斯卡 简称:Pa 资讯 网页 问答 视频 图片 良医 地图 文库 英文 音乐 软件 翻译 360问答 搜索答案 我要提问 。

水下100米是不十个大气压啊? 根据托里拆里 的 76厘米水银柱为一个标准大气压那么换算成水大概就是10米 所以100米差不多就是 10个大气压了


“一个标准大气压”的英文缩写是1pat吗? 1atm


