一个购物包的英文 写一篇关于网上购物利弊的英语作文,要说明自己的看法和


“你只需要一个购物袋”译成英文 You only need one single shopping bag.只说one shopping bag的话体现不出“只”,所以加个single效果就出来了.

有关购物的英语单词有哪些? to do some shopping;to go shopping 买东西shopping centre 商业中心区department store 百货商店children's goods store 儿童用品商店antique shop 古玩店second-hand store 旧货店counter 柜台stall,stand 售货摊show window 橱窗show case 玻璃柜台shelf 货架cash desk,cashier's desk 收银处price tag 标价签prices are fixed,fixed prices 有定价discount 打折扣change 零钱to keep the bill 留发票to wrap up 包装free of charge 不收费to deliver 送be al sold out,out of stock 售空shop assistant,salesman 售货员saleswoman 女售货员glassware counter 玻璃器皿部enamel ware 搪瓷器皿haberdashery 男子服饰用品confectionery 糖果糕点cosmetics 化妆用品stationery 文具fabrics 纺织品dry goods 服装ready-made clothes,off-the-peg,ready-to-wear 成衣,现成服装men's wear 男服women's wear 女服underwear 内衣裤sports goods,athletic equipment 体育用品sundries 零星小物toilet articles 盥洗用品towel 毛巾handkerchief 手帕toilet soap 香皂shampoo 洗发香波soap 肥皂laundry soap 洗衣皂soap powder 肥皂粉。

用英语写一份购物清单 shopping list购物清单a pack of laundry detergent洗衣粉一包edible oil食用油quick-frozen food速冻食品a box of eggs鸡蛋一盒a carton of milk牛奶一盒


包用英文怎么读? “包”用英2113文bag读法:英[b?g]美[b?ɡ]释义:1、n.包;袋;5261猎获物;(4102俚)一瓶啤酒2、vt.猎获;把…装入袋中;放1653弃;得分;占据,私吞;使膨大;毁掉3、vi.松垂;变形tea bag茶包sleeping bag睡袋Birkin bag柏金包shoulder bag背包例句:1、I kick aside an abandoned bag of swimming gear,damp and mildewed.我把一袋废弃的潮湿发霉的游泳用具踢到一边。2、For example,do you have any sort of shopping cart or shopping bag?例如,您有任何类型的购物车或购物袋吗?扩展资料bag的近义词:killing(字典查询结果)读法:英['k?l??]美['k?l??]释义:1、adj.杀害的;迷人的;使人筋疲力尽的2、n.杀戮;谋杀;猎获物3、v.杀死;消磨;毁掉(kil的ing形式)4、n.(Killing)人名;(德)基林短语:1、killing one笑死某人2、Surplus killing称为过捕3、Killing Fields杀人场4、Killing Season杀戮季节

包的英语怎么写 书包e5a48de588b662616964757a686964616f31333365653933的英文是schoolbag。词汇分析音标:英['sku?lb?ɡ]美[?skul?b?ɡ]释义:书包短语schoolbag magazine 笔记本My Schoolbag 我的书包Schoolbag Rack 书包架schoolbag load 书包负荷拓展资料1、The pupil tossed his schoolbag into the air.小学生把书包扔向空中。2、Steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree.斯蒂文拿走我的书包放在了一棵树上。3、Mom,could you buy me a new green leather schoolbag?妈妈,你能为我买一个新的绿色皮书包吗?4、She asked me where I lived,put the pails down in the entryway,and took home and walking beside me holding my schoolbag in one hand and my arm in the other.她问我家住在哪里,把水桶在入口通道上一放就要送我回家,她走在我一侧,一手拿着我的书包,一手搀扶着我。5、That large green leather schoolbag is really cool.那个大大的绿色皮书包真棒啊!

一个购物包的英文 写一篇关于网上购物利弊的英语作文,要说明自己的看法和


