浙江省杭州市用英文怎么表达?要准确的 我在填一个英文的信息表单 我现在在杭州英语怎么写


浙江省杭州市用英文怎么表达?要准确的 我在填一个英文的信息表单

浙江省杭州市用英文怎么表达?要准确的 我在填一个英文的信息表单 我现在在杭州英语怎么写

我住在杭州 英语怎么翻译啊 I live in Hanzhou.

杭州人用英语怎么说? 加-ese尾,不是nese(chinese是因为China最后音节是na的缘故)所以上海人是shanghaiese(老外就是这么叫的)杭州人我想可以叫hangzhouese或者按实际发音用hangtsouese

英语翻译 杭州,我的家乡,位于中国东部沿海,一年四季分明.春天,气温升高,万物苏醒,人们外出踏青,享受着阳光.夏天非常炎热干燥,但也是树木最茂盛的季节.人们往往在空调间内工作生活.秋天,是个金色的季节,瑟瑟秋风把花草树木都吹黄了.秋高气爽的日子,登山或是欣赏红叶,都是不错的选择.冬天,一年最冷的季节,最低温度能达到零下5度左右,但同时是充满欢乐和希望的季节,圣诞节、元旦、农历新年,大家在欢声笑语和期盼中度过这个季节.My hometown Hanghzhou,which is located in eastern China,has four distinctive seasons.In spring,the tempreture is getting warmer and everyting comes to live.People go outside to enjoy the sunshine and have fun.It is very hot and dry during summer,but all trees are flourisng at this time.In order to avoid the heating wave,people usually choose to stay inside in the air-conditioned rooms.Autum is a golden season,the chilling winds turn our city from green to yellow.Moutain climbing and enjoying the maple are good choices.Winter,which is full of hope and laughter,can be as cold as-5 degress Celsius.People are 。

我现在在杭州用英语怎么说 I am in Hangzhou now

杭州我来了用英文怎么说 杭州我来了I'm here in Hangzhou

英语翻译 杭州西湖英语导游词-西湖游船(去西湖的路上):now we r going to the west lake.Hangzhou is called the praradise on earth,and the beauty of hangzhou mostly lies on the west lake.Actually the west lake is t.


