永久的翻译 英语翻译



英语翻译 Provide a conductive fiber permanent anti-static polyester fleece products:this product USES the us and Japan can dyeing conductive fiber woven with 100%polyester superfine fibber fleece textile cloth,produced with permanent anti-static basketwork requirements of antistatic fleece.New will tianrun company's anti-static fleece product surface charge surface density for 3.0 uC/square metre,in accordance with Chinese national standard(GB/T 12703.2-2009)requirement surface charge surface density(scale-up Ⅰ)certification.Tianrun company's products to Europe,long-term supply famous American outdoor apparel brands companies and famous European baby products company

英语翻译 1.I want to speak a excellent English.2.I am afraid of death.3.I will forget you forever.4.Can you forgive me?(你能原谅我吗?5.Do you still hite me as before?(你还是像以前一样恨我吗?6.It is good for.

哪种翻译正确或较好? permanent〓指总是处于相同的情况和地位,可长期持续下去,永久不变。强调时间上 eternal〓语体较庄重,侧重指永远存在,无始无终。constant强调状态,更加倾向于频繁发生。

英语翻译 for forever memory

英语翻译 I’ve been getting a LOT of calls lately from PR people.PR 还可指 public relations 公共关系在一些证件上面常出现CHINA PR,强调的是People's Republic of China.

永久的翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 陈小姐:翻译不重要,主要的是你要理不符点当然要拒收.但是,如果他们认可(即使有不符点)交单,也是可以的,只不过每一不符点需要扣60或者60 美元等值的费用.

一年也是永久 怎么翻译 one year also means forever


永久的的英语翻译 永久的用英语怎么说 永久[词典2113]permanent;forever;perpetual;everlasting;permanence;[例句5261]他们已经入境该4102国,并申1653请了永久内居留权容。They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence


