

新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程习题答案 哪里有这个书的课后习题答案啊?第三册~的

跪求新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材修订版《综合教程1》课后练习答案急急急 啊啊 是这个吗UNIT4 DEALING WITH AIDSTEXT1Text comprehensionI.DII.1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.FIII.1.Refer to Paragraph 2,They were in different classes.and he thought that they were both just growing up and that David had new friends from his own class.2.Refer to Paragraph 2.Because David knew he was dying of AIDS.3.Refer to Paragraph 3.The unprotected sex caused it.4.Refer to Paragraph 4.He realized that there friendship meant everything to him.5.Refer to Paragraph 4.Yes,he did.because most of his friends didn’t want to come too close to them in fear of catching the disease.6.Refer to Paragraph 7.He was put in hospital on the second of May 1996.7.Refer to Paragraph 9.Because he knew that it wouldn’t be long before David was gone forever.8.Refer to Paragraph 8.Because by so doing he can keep David’s memory alive.IV.1.David and I left so young and healthy that we couldn’t believe we would fall victim to any disease before the word AIDS appeared in my life.2.We didn’t 。

新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材听力材料第一册的原文或者答案 买一本配套的教师用书,里面答案原文都有。上外的这本教材十一五封面的和十二五封面的内容一样。我回去找找,我记得我有电子版的,到时候发到你邮箱,

新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程1学生用书课后听力答案 13-01-03 匿名提问 1 时间 0 CXFreya 啊啊 14-12-03|添加评论|打赏 评论读取中. 修改失败,请稍后尝试 分享到微信朋友圈: 打开微信,点击底部的\"发现\", 。

新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材.综合教程第四册课文翻译。 Uint43但是今天,挑战不在于知道核武器的危险,而在于抓住上帝赋予的机会永远消除核武器的威胁.而且,我们需要更多的照片激起我们对生活的希望,来抗衡毁灭的长崎带给我们世界末日的感觉.不是通过失败表明我们所失去的,而是通过我们成功表明我们所得到的…就现在和将来人类的生活是这样不确定的形式我们怎样给出明确的形容?面对着世界末日或者世界延续,我们的想象力必须保持残缺.只有行动才能令人满意。4.某一日,新一代会照顾自己.现在,我们只有通过信任和集体意志才能保证他们存在的权利,他们才可以存在.采取行动是我们活着的一代的最伟大的责任.时间的礼物永远就是生命的礼物,如果我们知道如何接受的话.

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