译成英语 这汤看起来不错英文


你听过的一个最精彩海龟汤故事是什么? 2(链接已失效)http://www. thecourse-pm.com/Librar y/Lateral_Thinking.htm 补充一下对海龟汤的介绍 海龟汤学名叫“情景推理游戏”,适合多人一起玩耍,发起人给出故事开头。

鱼汤尝起来怎么样英文翻译 How did the fish soup taste?

它尝起来不错英文翻译两种 它尝起来不错英文翻译是:It tastes good,见下图翻译

英语翻译 1.His idea sounds a little strange.2.The soup smells terrible.3.The toy feels soft.4.She looks sad today.5.This cake tastes good.前面五句是为了使用感官动词,所以用同样的句式翻译的.6.My favourite present is fluffy toy.Haven't got one during my childhood,I was envious of the neighbor's toy and always hoped that I could own one,too.But I think health is the best gift.Because health is most important for a person.If I have a magical lamp,the first gift I would ask for is to live a healthy life.

英语里十二个系动词 不止12个系动词2113哦,这里小编给大家5261都列举出来:1.be(原形)am is are;41022.持续系动词:keep rest remain stay lie stand continue hold;3.表像系1653动词seem appear;4.感官系动词feel smell taste sound look;5.变化系动词:become grow turn fall get go come run make;6.终止系动词:prove turn out点击蓝字领取免费欧美一对一外教试课:【https://www.acadsoc.com】,专业外教带领大家学习地道的英语表达。欢迎大家来咱们阿卡索学习,课均不到20元,专业外教一对一授课,还有助教课后辅导,各位可以点击上述蓝字去试一下,每节课25分钟,保证英语的学习频率,这样词汇才能有效提升。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

求“这碗汤尝起来很咸”英文翻译 This soup tastes salty.望采纳 谢谢


译成英语 she looks very youngwhy does he feel sadthemilk is sourthat seem s a good ideathe soup smells delicious


