起步价英语 出租车的“起步价”用英语该怎么说?要准确的和地道的


10元起价英语怎么说 Minimum Price is 10 dollars.

起步价英语 出租车的“起步价”用英语该怎么说?要准确的和地道的


英语翻译 The basic rate is rmb150 for not than 1kg,besides,a rate of 45/kg will be chaged if than 1kg.

“起步价”在英语里怎么表达 起步价the starting price 比如:the taxi starting price in this city这个城市的出租车起步价

出租车的那个起步价英文怎么说? taxi fare 起步价 例文:火车站或汽车北站打的,起步价10元就到广济路新民桥山塘街口,到了新民桥,往东南堍一看,就能看到我们青年旅舍的标记了,很大的哦!。

请问下 \ minimumfare,仅供参考。

出租车“起步价”用英语怎么表达? 请看《中国日报》在2006年上海上调出租车起步费时的相关报道:Taxi passengers in Shanghai started to feel the pinch of soaring fuel prices as the city began to roll out its first taxi fare hike since 1998.The flag-fall price in downtown,which covers the first 3 kilometres of a trip,has risen to 11 yuan from 10 yuan during the daytime.And the price after 11 pm will climb to 14 yuan from 13 yuan.估计您也猜出来了,flag-fall price就是“起步价”的相应英文表达。Flag-fall(比赛开始)本是体育术语,尤其在田径比赛时,很形象地描述出了“裁判手中的小红旗朝下一挥,比赛立马开始”的情景。随着计程车的使用,flag-fall(比赛开始)逐渐由体育术语延伸为与人们生活密切相关的“起步(价)”。另外,既然提到了flag,忍不住想起了Dido那首对爱执着、为爱不言放弃的《White flag》,摘几句歌词:Well I will go down with this ship/And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door/I'm in love and always will be“我将乘船一直走下去,永远不会投降;在我的门上也永远不会挂有白旗e68a84e799bee5。

