黑暗骑士崛起中的台词 蝙蝠侠前传3 黑暗骑士崛起台词转英文


蝙蝠侠3黑暗骑士崛起经典台词 1、Maybe the time isn't right.或许现在不是适当的时机。2、Of course,sometimes exceptions have to be made.不过,凡事总有例外。3、You have to invest if you want to。

求黑暗骑士崛起的一部分台词 中英都要 以下内容是我2113从国配双语字幕里复制出来的,其实撸主可以5261从射手网(shooter.cn)上下载字4102幕,用记事本打开1653srt或ass格式字幕(把字幕文件拉到记事本窗口),自己找。33100:26:44,853->;00:26:46,901找我有事吗What can I do for you,officer?33200:26:47,231->;00:26:49,325戈登遭到枪击Commissioner Gordon's been shot.33300:26:51,652->;00:26:53,700他追一个歹徒 进了下水道He chased a gunman down into the sewers.33400:26:53,862->;00:26:57,207我救他出来的时候 他说地下有支军队When I pulled him out,he was babbling about an underground army.33500:26:57,366->;00:26:59,209有个戴面具的 叫贝恩A masked man called Bane.33600:27:00,035->;00:27:02,379这个你应该去跟你的上司汇报Shouldn't you be telling your superior officers?33700:27:02,538->;00:27:05,633他们不相信戈登的话 说他有幻觉They asked me if he saw any giant alligators.33800:27:06,083->;00:27:07,801他需要你He needs you.33900:27:09,378->;00:27:10,675他需要蝙蝠侠He needs the Batman.34000:27:12,422->;00:27:14,222如果戈登。

蝙蝠侠前传3 黑暗骑士崛起台词转英文 你真的是醉了.你这是穿插了诺兰《蝙蝠侠》系列三部曲呀.你说前传3让人很误解呀-你的中文翻译我觉得对于电影来讲有点欠妥啊。1、每个人都可以做英雄,哪怕是做一件很小的事,比如给一个小男孩披上外衣,让他安心,让他知道生活还在继续。A hero can be anyone.Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know the world hadn't ended.《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises》2、你有没有这种感觉,你明知道你最爱的人可能死去,你却只能对他们撒谎。告诉他们一切都会好起来,但你却知道那不可能。等你明白这种感受,你就会看着我的眼睛对我说:对不起。Have you ever had to talk to the person you loved most tell them it's gonna be all right,when you know it's not?Well,you're about to know what that feels like,gordon.Then you can look me in the eye and tell me you're sorry.《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 Batman Begins》3、当你和罪犯同流合污,你是不是也开始同情他们?When you lived among the criminals,did you start to pity them?《蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜 Batman 。

蝙蝠侠3黑暗骑士崛起经典台词 1、Maybe the time isn't right.或许现在不是适当的时2113机。2、Of course,sometimes exceptions have to be made.不过,凡事5261总有例外。3、You have to invest if you want to restore balance to the world.总的4102做一些投资,才1653能帮社会解决贫富不均的问题。4、Sometimes the investment doesn't pay off.有时候投资未必能成功。5、But a man who doesn't care about the world doesn't spend half his fortune to save it.And isn't so wounded when it fails that he goes into hiding.一个对社会漠不关心的人,不可能会投入半数财产来拯救世界。也不会因为计划失败而感到如此失落,失落到隐世不出。扩展资料:剧情简介自从“蝙蝠侠”(克里斯蒂安·贝尔饰)消失在了黑夜当中,已经过去整整8年的时间了,而他也在一夜之间从一名英雄转变成了一个不得不亡命天涯的逃亡者。由于哈维·登特的死,这位被称之为“黑暗骑士”的超级英雄虽然对加诸在自己身上的指责与羞辱嗤之以鼻;可是他也为此牺牲了他和警官吉姆·戈登(加里·奥德曼饰)为了实现“更美好的未来”的目标而做的一切努力。随着谎言肆意地蔓延,在反罪行的登特法案的强行高压之下,高。

求蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士崛起里的一句台词,管家对蝙蝠侠说的 具体情节不是很记得了,大概就是管家建议蝙蝠侠休息休息谈个恋爱什么的,就算是他不喜欢,也可以假装享受在里面什么。

黑暗骑士崛起中的台词 蝙蝠侠前传3 黑暗骑士崛起台词转英文

跪求蝙蝠侠前传3 黑暗骑士崛起里面阿尔弗雷德跟韦恩说的一句台词 Bruce Wayne:There's nothing out there for me.韦恩:外面的世界已经不再属于我了。Alfred:And that's the problem.You hung up your cape and your cowl,but you didn't move on.You never went to find a life.To find someone.阿尔弗雷德:这正是问题所在。你把斗篷面罩束之高阁,却没有真正放下。你从没去寻找真正的生活,去寻找那个.Bruce Wayne:Alfred.I did find someone.韦恩:阿尔弗雷德,我的确找到过那个人。Alfred:I know,and you lost them.But that's all part of living,sir.But you're not living,you're just waiting,hoping for things to go bad again.Remember when you left Gotham?Before all this,before Batman.You were gone seven years,seven years I waited.Hoping that you wouldn't come back.Every year I took a holiday,I went to Florence.There's this café,on the banks of the Arno.Every fine evening I'd sit there and order a Fernet Branca.I had this fantasy that I would look across the tables and I'd see you there,with a wife,maybe a couple of kids.You wouldn't say anything to me,nor me to you,but 。

蝙蝠侠前传3黑暗骑士崛起中,贝恩攻占黑门监狱前演讲的台词。跪求!!! 蝙蝠侠前传3黑暗骑士崛起中,贝恩攻占黑门监狱前演讲的台词。跪求!蝙蝠侠前传3黑暗骑士崛起中,贝恩在攻占黑门监狱前的演讲台词,英文的,是什么?跪求!。

蝙蝠侠3黑暗骑士崛起经典台词 wonder how you ever thought you could liveso large and leaveso little for the rest of us. 塞琳娜:暴风雨要来了,韦恩先生。你和你的朋友们最好先做好准备,因为当它。

蝙蝠侠黑暗骑士崛起中的一段台词 I like your girlfriend,Mr Wayne.


