走马观花用英语怎么说 走马观花 英语


走马观花用英语怎么说 glance over sth.应该看你自己的需要 是简短的还是长的,根据自己的用途选择

走马观花英语怎么说?音标 走马观花生词本[zǒu mǎ guān huā]look at the flowers while passing on horseback-to glance over things hurriedly;cast only a passing glance at;gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation;give a hurried and cursory glance at

走马观花用英语怎么说 走马观花 英语

走马观花的爱翻译成英语怎么说 Love like looking at flowers while riding on horseback;sentiment like spilt water which can't be gathered up.

走马观花用英语怎么说? 走马观花 gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation 网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 科学 汉语 英文 问问 。? 2020SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号


走马观花的单词怎么写? [Literal Meaning]run/horse/view/flowerto view the flowers on horseback[解释]大略地观察一下。[Explanation]to take a brief look at something[例子]这次在美国的旅行仅有二十天,也就是走马观花地到处看看。[Example]The trip in the US is only about 20 days and we will look around briefly.[英文等价词]examine a thing hurriedly例句Take the quick tour。走马观花看一看!Read carefully;don't skim through[over]a book.读书要细细读,不要走马观花。The visitors were swept past all the tourist hot spots.游客们走马观花地参观完了所有的旅游胜地。

走马观花用英语怎么说? 走马观花gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation

