英语翻译 走多运动少出门的英文怎么说


做运动,用英语怎么说 做运动:take 做运动:take exercise。一、take 英[te?k]美[te?k]1、vt.拿,取;采取;接受(礼物等);买,花费;耗费(时间等)2、vi.拿;获得 3、n。.

求一篇关于雾霾的英语作文80词左右要有不出门少开窗,饮食清淡多喝水,戴口罩,勤洗手脸, Last months several places in Beijing were blanketed with thick yellow fog.Everything around disappeared from oursight.Some highways were closed.Traffic jams were commonly seen in the street.Many people,especially children and seniors,even found it difficult to breath.As a result,local hospitals were crowd with people who had problems with noses and lungs.Part of the cause was the dry weather,but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare.Personally I don't get many health problems in the haze because I stayed mostly indoors.But to make a significant chance we really have to do protect our environment.To live a better life we have to push on with the economy,but it would be meaningless if we have to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air


英语翻译 走多运动少出门的英文怎么说

你应该勤洗手,讲卫生,多做运动和多吃水果和蔬菜,还要多一些外出游玩,放松心情的英文翻译是什么吖 You should wash your hands,talk about health,do exercise and eat fruits and vegetables,to go out to play,relax

怎么就开始担心呢? 我在婆婆家,出了门谁都不认识,所以也懒得出,天天吃了就躺床上,连家务都没做过,唯一的运动恐怕就是上厕所了~

英语翻译 1.No sooner had i arrived there than i write to you.2.Andrew no sooner had finished his coffee than he left3.He bought a house as soon as he returned.4.Hardly had the sports meeting began when it rained5.No sooner had he finished the composition than the light turned off6.she had no sooner left his house than one of his students came to see herNo sooner 置于句首句子用一般疑问句语序(部分倒装),主句用过去完成时从句过去时No sooner不置句首用正常语序“一.”部分是主句 用no sooner.,“.就.”部分是从句用than 引导

尽量少出门英文怎么说? 尽量少出门英文可以表达为Try to go out as little as possibleyou should avoid going out too much

一个很少很少出门的人 怎么在家里也可以锻炼身体呐? 我就不明白是练肌肉就非得去健身房?是哪个笨蛋跟你说的?我全部肌肉就单靠自己在家做运动而得来的.虽然现在是车祸后的二级残疾人.但如果论体形(力量)你不一定如我.我天天做运动来保持我强壮体型.(医学上也有句话叫\"生命在于运动\")如果有恒心天天做的话不必分组做.(分组的确可以让你尽快出肌的.因为时常使肌肉在使用状态.但你是不是以为出肌肉之后就不需要保持做运动?哪如果你出肌之后急停的话会让你巨肥的.)仰卧起坐有效果是不错,但腰部最下面一块骨头的位置容易磨破皮.取代的运动是有一种,晚上躺下来之后把脚伸直抬高至十点位置坚持一分钟以上.(我现在是三分钟,但你一开始不建议你用我的时间.)胸肌的锻炼方法就是宽距俯卧撑.我一般天天洗澡之前都做一做运动.(我天天做运动所以也使我比较壮实.)夏天我可以偷偷懒,但冬天我不能偷懒的.因为我虽然身处南方,但冬天我仍然是洗澡冷水的.习惯了.由15岁多就开始保持到现在32岁.(洗冷水澡也让我现在保持一张\"娃娃脸\").现在洗热水澡反而会病.真郁闷.但洗冷水澡反而却可以让我不那么容易感冒.因为可以提高身体的耐寒能力.我把我现在的运动状态告诉你吧.我现在天天洗澡之前做宽距离俯卧撑50个以上.(看状态的.如果有力气的话做70。

这几天我没出门,怎么我的微信运动步数还显示两千多步呢?是不是账号被盗,什么原因? 对于坐办公室的人来说,一天正常步数大概在1300至5000步,具体取决于做事是否携带手机,在家一天的活动量,差不多也是2000多步,手机频繁使用也会导致步数增加,比如拿起来放下去。



