贵州毕节林口镇 毕节资源网


贵州毕节人事局 织金县东伟服装厂工资低工作时间长扡工资几个月不发工资 为什么不发,工厂没有钱,找有关部门反映 向毕节市劳动人事局提起仲裁

贵州毕节林口镇 林口镇位于毕节市北部,距市区约67公里,与云南和四川相邻,素有“鸡鸣三省”之称。辖区面积86.70平方公里,地势属中低山丘地貌,海拔在730米至1930米之间,地势起伏较大。。

贵州毕节林口镇 毕节资源网

求帮忙翻译成英文 Firstly,in terms of natural resources and cultural tourism resources,tourism resources outlined in Bijie,Bijie analyze the development of the tourism industry conditions,and analyze the status and trends of Bijie tourism development from the perspective of the development of the tourism industry,pointing out that the existence of the development process problems include inadequate infrastructure,lack of investment in tourism development,lack of tourism professionals,tourism product development,unreasonable,deteriorating ecological environment and so on,according to tourism development in the problems put forward to strengthen infrastructure construction,training and the introduction of professionals,to improve guides personnel quality and service quality,and reasonable development of tourism resources,increase promotion and marketing efforts,strengthen environmental protection countermeasures,such as speeding up the development of the tourism industry in Bijie.


