看电视时,什么运动可以减肥? 专家建议,看电视时可以做些比较平和的运动,例如一边看电视一边踏步走;也可以反复练习\"起立、坐下\",这些运动既可以让肢体得到运动,又不会影响人们看电视时的注意力.家里的一些 物品都可以当体育器械进行训练,比如用两个小板凳放在地面上,就可以做俯卧撑了;躺在床上,胸前抱两个西 瓜,可进行仰卧起坐的训练;如果男士有啤酒肚,可以每天先进行30分钟的有氧训练,再进行腹部训练,例 如 可 以 做俯卧撑、原地高抬腿等,不要求速度很快,但要有足够的训练时间。再配合健康饮食,效果立竿见影,走出去就 婀娜多第一招,运 动 减肥贵在坚持。要有持之以恒的心态和精神;第二招,运动前后一杯 水。早晨或 者傍晚(科学分析,傍晚运动更科学更有效)运动前,先喝一杯白开 水;第三招,运动要有规律性。这里讲的规律性不是指运动的时间等,而是指运动的项 目。这 要根据自身的条件和情况去规划和不断总结完善。如果通过 运 动提高后的基础代谢,加上运动之前的行为消耗的消耗总值略小于平时习 惯 的 饮食摄入。那么就存在反弹的现象。这就是私人教练通常所说的反弹点数。减肥还是要靠坚的
英语翻译! secondary[5sekEndEri]adj.次要的,二级的,中级的,第二的 AMPS 高级移动电话服务 stabilivolt[stei5bilE7vEult]稳压管 supply[sE5plai]n.补给,供给,供应品 vt.补给,供给,。
他应该减少看电视的时间,多做一些运动。每天都要工作。 请问这两句话用英语怎么说啊? He should watch less TV and do exercise.He works every day.
英语翻译 1,time and number of framesThe basic thinking of animation time is shown speed:movies and TV show speed is 24 frames per second,and animation generally have 12 frames,then recording or filming for double grid handling.If the paint on the fast movement with the single best animation,namely to draw pictures of 24 per second.For quick run,generally USES 8 frames single-panel picture.For objects with single-panel treatment occurs vibration on both ends of the action.2,the distance between animation gridThe static objects to move to still have similar laws:static started slowly,the movement speed and motion stops slow.In frames are:from static movement frames to decrease,from the movement to frame number increases,the fastest among movement process,and the fewest number of frames.3,circulation timeWe often have cycle in animation action,but different situation need frames are also different.Such as:fast the flag flying to 6 frame cycle,As the flame of the fire action cycle,from top to 。
以“学生不宜多看电视”为主题的英语作文,词数在100左右,论据:①浪费学习时间②减少户外体育运动③ In our daily life,and students prefer to watching TV at home,rather than play with the peers out of doors.On the one hand,Watching TV occupy our students' too much time to study,as a student,study is our main duty.On the other hand,it is inevitably bad for our eyesight.Furthermore,some contents of the TV spread negative messages to our students,which can result students' behavior.For my perspective,it is reasonable for students to watch TV as a way to reduce press,however,it can't occupy too much time,it would be best for our parents take their childerns to the park or library at the weekend,in the spare time as well.