置之死地而后生是什么意思 置之死地而后生的翻译


置之死地而后生的英文,置之死地而后生的翻译,怎么用 置之死地bai而后生[词典du]deploy troops in such a way as to leave no room for maneuver or route for escape so that the soldiers will fight for their dear lives out of desperation and eventually win the battle;[电影]The Death And Life Of Bobby Z;[例句]上世纪zhi90年代末,日dao产一度版濒临破产,然而公权司却置之死地而后生,日产汽车的销售也因为其颇有创意的广告而受益。Nissan,which had been close to bankruptcy in the late 1990s,gained buzz as a turnaround story,its vehicles benefitting from creative advertising.

置之死地而后生 英文怎么翻译? 电影置之死地而后生<;The Death and Life of Bobby Z>;In desperate times turn to desperate solutions let survive and then let live

怎么翻译:置之死地而后生,陷之亡地而后存?有点难度。请路过的支持一下。Sets at the deathtrap but the young man,After falls it to perish but saves 不知道对不对

置之死地而后生是什么意思 置之死地而后生的翻译

”置之死地而后生“英语怎么翻译?????? confront ゛ 尐强狠强。3级 confront a person with the danger of death and he will fight to live 或 drive someone into a fatal position and he will come out alive。

