谢谢你对我工作的肯定怎么翻译成英文 谢谢对我的肯定 英文


谢谢大家对我的肯定 (英语) Thank you for your supportsupport 是支持的意思。英文一般都是这样谢谢大家的嘛。肯定。难不成,thank you for your recognition?太怪了。谢谢你对我工作的肯定怎么翻译成英文 Thank you for confirmation of my job ability.你的出现就是对我最大的肯定 用英语怎么说拜托了各位 谢谢 Your participation/attendance is the best reward to me,and this is my target.采纳哦谢谢你对我工作的肯定 英语翻译下 Thank you for the affirmation of my work请问\ Thank you for your caring and your assuration on my work,so pleased to work with you。谢谢领导对我工作的肯定,我将努力做好各项工作. Dear boss,many thanks for your affirmation to my performance.I will continue to work hard in every aspect in the future.谢谢你对我工作的肯定 英语翻译下 请问“谢谢你的肯定与鼓励”的英文怎么说? Thanks for your affirmation and encouragement.affirmationaf.fir.ma.tionAHD:[2f”…r-m3“sh…n]D.J.[7#f*6mei.*n]K.K.[7#f+6me.*n]n.(名词)The act of affirming or the state of being affirmed;assertion.肯定:肯定的行为或被肯定的状态;断言Something declared to be true;a positive statement or judgment.证实:被断定是正确的事物;肯定的陈述或判断Law A solemn declaration given in place of a sworn statement by a person who conscientiously objects to taking an oath.【法律】证词:代替宣誓证词的庄严声明,由从良心上反对宣誓的人做出encouragement[In5kQrIdVmEnt]n.鼓励,奖励encouragementen.cour.age.mentAHD:[μn-k?r“1j-m…nt,-k?r“-]D.J.[en6k*8id9m*nt,-6k(r-]K.K.[Wn6k)。d9m*nt,-6k(r-]n.(名词)The act of encouraging.鼓励的行为The state of being encouraged.受鼓舞的状态One that encourages.奖励者,鼓励者:鼓励他人的人或物请问“谢谢你的肯定与鼓励”的英文怎么说? Thanks for your approval and encouragement英语翻译 Thanks for your affirmation and the praise,I always hope that I canbe a outstanding manager.It was you who gave me the platform,and my team gave me such an opportunity,it was all of you who made me w.

